Post-Exit Entrepreneur Jeffrey Feldberg Reveals How To Unlock Your Ultimate Success Through A Winning Mindset (#346)

“A winning mindset is the key to unleashing your full success.” -Jeffrey Feldberg
In this solo episode post-exit entrepreneur and host of The Deep Wealth Podcast, Jeffrey Feldberg, discusses the critical importance of developing a winning mindset for business success. He shares real-life examples, including his own journey with Embanet, and outlines practical strategies for entrepreneurs to cultivate resilience, long-term vision, and continuous improvement.
00:17 The Importance of Mindset in Entrepreneurship
01:24 The Winning Mindset: A Lifestyle Choice
04:18 Deep Wealth Mastery Program Testimonials
06:27 The Daily Grind vs. Strategic Planning
09:04 The Consequences of a Poor Mindset
11:09 The Need for a Mindset Shift
13:56 The Power of a Winning Mindset
20:05 Future-Focused Decision Making
20:17 Continuous Learning and Adaptation
21:34 Daily Reflection and Positivity
23:06 SMART Goals and Celebrating Wins
25:33 Real-Life Success Stories
26:48 10 Strategies for Achieving Success
31:23 Inspiring Stories of Winning Mindsets
33:53 Additional Strategies for a Winning Mindset
36:01 Final Thoughts
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346 Winning Mindset
Jeffrey Feldberg: [00:00:00] Well, hello, Deep Wealth Nation. Welcome to another episode of the Deep Wealth Podcast. And this one is going to be a solo one. You know, the other day I was speaking to an entrepreneur, as I'm so fortunate and blessed to do just about every day. Smart, successful people, absolutely incredible stories. In this one particular case, and unfortunately, it's not the only time that I've heard this, I was speaking to the entrepreneur, and we were talking about success and what that means, and I heard, yeah, Jeffrey, I want my financial freedom, I want to do this, I want to do that, and when I asked them what their mindset is like, they told me, you know what, Jeffrey, yeah, I've heard about that mindset stuff, it's just woo woo stuff, forget about that, unless it's in a complicated spreadsheet or it's in a formula, That's where success comes from.
I'm not going to waste my time or my money on this mindset stuff. Never have, never will. And I took a step back and I said, wow, what a story that we're telling ourselves, and I often say as entrepreneurs, we can be so smart, but at the same time, we can be so absolutely stupid because I was looking back at my [00:01:00] own journey and the journey of so many other successful entrepreneurs.
And I got to tell you, the secret sauce. It starts and it stops with mindset. Mindset is everything. In fact, mindset is so important that in the Deep Wealth 9-step Roadmap, Step 5, we talk all about mindset and we go into all kinds of studies and case notes and with the science to back everything up.
So for today's solo episode, we're going to focus exclusively on mindset because mindset is not something that you want to put off to the side. where you tell yourself, yeah, I want to have more time maybe I'll think about that. You're not going to have the time. You're not going to do it because a winning mindset is not something that you develop overnight.
It's like a muscle. If you go to the gym and you work out for the first time today, are you going to have huge muscles? Are you going to have that six pack of abs tomorrow? And the answer is, of course not. It's a muscle that over time you develop, it becomes stronger and eventually it It becomes second nature.
You don't even think about it. The right winning [00:02:00] mindset becomes a lifestyle. And before I dive into the details, I want you to think of the opposite of a winning mindset, a negative person. You know who I'm talking about. You can think of at least one person in your life who is negative. And let me ask you something.
After you finish speaking with that person, how do you feel? What's your mindset like? Are you wanting to run in the opposite direction as fast as you can? Did your energy get zapped from you? Now, when you put that into the business context, it gets even worse. People don't like being around negative people.
It zaps our energy. They're energy vampires. We want to be around people who are positive. They have a terrific outlook. We want to get more of that. And so winning mindset is not just for yourself. It's also for those around you.
It could be your leadership team, your clients, your family, your friends, the list goes on and on. So with that in mind, we're going to talk about a winning mindset and why delaying today can rob you of success tomorrow.
And again, if you're thinking, Jeffrey, come on, mindset, that's all [00:03:00] that woo woo stuff, it's not real, it doesn't get results, it's a waste of time, I've got to share with you, nothing could be further from the truth. This isn't just some feel good mantra, it's a fundamental component of success. Everyone you speak to tells you the same thing in the business world.
Heck, I even went through the same thing when I was growing my business at Embanet. I heard the same wrong narrative time and time again. Jeffrey, focus on your business operations. This mindset stuff, you can handle that later. Don't even worry about that. But I learned the hard way that having the right mindset was absolutely crucial for overcoming the challenges and seizing the opportunities.
When I took a pass on developing my mindset, I nearly missed out on transforming a potential setback into a huge success story.
Thankfully, I shifted my focus, I embraced resilience, and I adopted a growth oriented mindset. And you know the rest of the story. Embanet went from zero to hero and eventually were able to claim a nine figure deal. So for this episode, let's do a deep dive in the trenches [00:04:00] of what it takes to cultivate a winning mindset.
We're going to explore the strategies and the insights to ensure that you're not just surviving, but you're thriving and setting yourself up for unparalleled success. So, for the first point, it's actually the pain points of an unprepared mindset. Let's begin by addressing the elephant in the room.
And before we start the episode, a quick word from our sponsor, Deep Wealth and the Deep Wealth Mastery Program. Here's Sanjay, a graduate of Deep Wealth Mastery, and he says, the investment I made in the Deep Wealth Mastery Program, it's a rounding error compared to the value created today and the future value I'll receive.
Or how about William, who says, and I love this, A company that's attractive to sell is also a great one to own. The Deep Wealth Mastery Program gives me the best of both worlds.
Now speaking of growth and adding value, check out what Leon says. He says that the Deep Wealth Mastery Program changed how and who we hire. We've now begun to hire talent today that we never would have hired if it weren't for the program. The [00:05:00] talent we're hiring today is helping both increase our growth and profits and our future enterprise value.
Man, I love that kind of feedback because it's that kind of feedback that's what gets me out of bed every day.
Deep Wealth Mastery System, it's the only system based on a nine figure deal. That was my deal. And as you know, I said, no to a seven figure offer, created a system that we now call Deep Wealth Mastery, and that's what helped myself and my business partners all welcome from a different buyer, a different offer, a nine figure deal.
So if you're interested in growing your profits, preparing for a future liquidity event, whether that's two years away or 22 years away, and if you want to optimize your post exit life, Deep Wealth Mastery is for you. Please email success at deepwealth. com. Again, that's success, S U C C E S S at deepwealth. com. We'll send you all the information about Deep Wealth Mastery, otherwise known as the Scale for Ultimate Sales System.
That's where you want to be. You want to be with other successful business owners, entrepreneurs, and founders, just like you, who are looking to create market disruptions. Whether you're a [00:06:00] startup, whether you've been in business for three or four decades, whether you're manufacturing, whether you're high tech, SaaS, low tech, whatever the case may Come in and network with other business owners, with other businesses, just like you, because they all want to lock in their financial freedom and enjoy both success and fulfillment.
Again, that's the 90 day Deep Wealth Mastery program. It has your name on it. All you need to do is take the next step. Please send an email to success at deepwealth. com.
Why do so many business owners struggle with developing a winning mindset?
The reality is that most of us, we get caught up in the daily grind. Go back to the beginning. You were passionate. You were bubbly. You had this amazing idea of what you're going to do when you started your business, how you're going to help other people solve their problems, take their pain away.
And you started doing that.
Your business began to grow. Your passion was contagious, but now as your business grew, what some people call challenges or issues or problems I call opportunities, other opportunities began to [00:07:00] come up, it began to take up your time, and now you're focused on the operations, you're putting out the fires and you're managing the team.
But here's a hard truth, without the right mindset, all of your efforts, they can have you feel like you're running on a treadmill, that you're taking all your energy, you're trying to move forward, but it actually feels like you're moving backward. Think about that.
Now, you know the stats.
Up to 90 percent of liquidity events fail. I want you to think about that. Think about all that time and that effort, all that money wasted for a liquidity event that failed. And I've got to tell you, for the Embanet liquidity event, there were many points in time where the deal went off the rails.
Most people thought that it was not going to happen. It was just, okay, we tried. It was nice. Let's move on. But thankfully for myself, for Steve Wells, for Waleuska, we had that winning mindset. And even though it was a difficult or challenging situation, it was that winning mindset that got us through, and you know the story of how we ended up.
It's the winning mindset, not that complicated formula in a spreadsheet, it's the winning [00:08:00] mindset that helps you see beyond the immediate and begin to plan strategically for the future, where you have some hope and may I dare say the F word, some faith that somehow it's all going to work out.
Now, are you familiar with the feeling where you're working tirelessly and you're not seeing the results that you want?
Do you find yourself reacting to problems instead of proactively creating opportunities?
And if you said yes you're not alone, but I want you to understand that this reactive mindset, that's the barrier to your true potential. That's like the thief in the night that's robbing you of your success. So let me paint a picture here.
Imagine that you're driving a car, but instead of looking at the road ahead, you're always looking in the rear view mirror, worried about what's going on behind you. Well, let me ask you this, a bit of a rhetorical question. You know me, I love my rhetorical questions. How far do you think you're going to get before you crash or miss a turn?
And that's exactly what happens when we don't have a forward thinking mindset on the business side. You're too focused on the immediate issues and the past mistakes, [00:09:00] and you're missing Those future opportunities that are passing you by in plain sight. Now, let's talk about the consequences. Without a winning mindset, what's going to happen?
Well, you're going to miss opportunities. When your focus is solely on the present, you miss out on spotting the trends, the innovations, and the strategies that could propel your business forward. Look no further than Step 1 Big Picture. In the big picture, we're looking for those inflection points, those early trends that others have missed that we can leverage so we can put ourselves out of business into a much bigger and better and more profitable business.
Or maybe you're experiencing a burnout. You're constantly reacting to problems that drain your energy and your passion that's leading to your burnout. And it's not only affecting you, but it's also your team. And ultimately your business is going to suffer. And when you combine all those things, you're missing opportunities.
You're missing those inflection points. You're having burnout.
Guess what?
Forget a liquidity event, your business may not even be around. Profits are going to go down, you may go out of business. If you do go to a liquidity event, well, you can expect a lower [00:10:00] valuation. Because again, a business that's a reactive mindset, it shows an inconsistent performance.
We're missing those opportunities. Now, you know my Embanet story. There's Embanet 1 and Embanet 2. Embanet 2 came about from Step 1 Big Picture, where we saw an inflection point, we leveraged it, we created a Launch Plan, and we executed that. If we didn't have a winning mindset, if we would have stayed with Embanet 1, which by the way, it would have been a very easy one to do because the company's profitable, things are going along, we're the golden child in the industry, if we would have stayed with Embanet 1 which many business owners would have, no judgment, Eventually, Embanet 1, either would have gone out of business, or the profits would have gone flat.
Times change, the industry changes, and if we don't keep up with it, we're missing out. For our customers, we're only as good as what we're going to do for them tomorrow. Forget today, forget yesterday. So the winning mindset, it's so instrumental in helping us identify those opportunities and make sure that we're Execute on them and keep on going when things get tough.[00:11:00]
So here's the question for you. That negative cycle that I shared with you, how do you break free from it?
Well, it begins with recognizing the need for a mindset shift. A winning mindset is not about ignoring the daily grind. It's actually the opposite. It's about blending the immediate tasks with strategic planning.
It's about seeing beyond the current challenges and visualizing a future where your business not only survives. But you actually thrive. So remember, the journey to success, it starts in your mind. What we think about internally, or said in another way, I think a better way, what you feel internally, that's what manifests externally.
So your inner thoughts create your outer world. And the way you think shapes the actions that you take and the results that you achieve. So if you want to capture the full value of what you're doing, of your time, your effort, your capital. It's time to cultivate a mindset that sees opportunities and not just obstacles.
Now I want you to stay with me because in the next segment I'm going to talk about why making the shift is not just important, it's [00:12:00] absolutely crucial for you, for your business, for your long term success. And so that's a perfect segue into the next segment and it's the need for change.
So now that we've identified the problem, let's talk about why things must change. A reactive mindset, it isn't just inefficient, it's outright dangerous. It blinds you to opportunities and it traps you in a cycle of short term thinking. Now you might be making a decent living, some terrific profits, but are you really creating wealth?
Are you positioning yourself for a successful exit when the time comes?
Think about it. Your financial future, your financial freedom and independence depends on it. And I gotta tell you, a reactive mindset, that's keeping you in survival mode, not in the thriving mode.
You know what I'm talking about.
You're constantly putting out fires and dealing with the immediate issues, which leaves little room for strategic planning. Think about that, because that approach, yeah, sure, maybe it'll keep your business afloat, but it's not going to allow you to thrive. It's like trying to sail a ship while constantly bailing out the water.
You might not sink, but you'll never reach your destination either.
And it's for this [00:13:00] reason that in the Deep Wealth Mastery Program, yes, our 90 day Mastery Program Step 5 Winning Mindset, this is why we emphasize the importance of the mindset in achieving business success and maximizing your enterprise value, whether your liquidity event is two years away or 22 years away.
And if you're thinking to yourself, yeah, well, Jeffrey, listen, when it's time for me to prepare for my liquidity event or my exit, yeah, I'll take on the winning mindset at that point. Don't believe that myth, you're lying to yourself, you're drinking your own Kool Aid.
And in fact, in an earlier solo episode, what I'll do is I'll put the link in the show notes. I talked about the exit wounds and why preparation is so important. Don't you believe for a second that you can just turn on that winning mindset today and tomorrow you show up with the results, with the mindset that you're actually living the life, walking the talk. It's not going to happen. It takes time.
It takes preparation. It takes practice. And without that strategic, growth oriented, winning mindset, you're leaving money on the table. Millions and millions of dollars. So let me give you a real world example. I want you to imagine a business owner who's [00:14:00] been running a very successful company for years.
Revenues are steady, the business is profitable, and on the surface, everything looks terrific. But when you dig a little bit deeper, when you go behind the scenes, the owner is constantly dealing with operational issues, staff problems, other daily challenges. There's no time to think about the future or to grow.
So, one day, an unsolicited offer comes in from a potential buyer. The offer, you know what, it's decent, but because the owner hasn't been proactive in preparing for a sale, the business is not in an optimal state. Remember, every buyer, they want to minimize their risk and optimize their ROI. The key performance indicators are not as strong, in fact, maybe there aren't even any key performance indicators.
They're unresolved, all these operational issues, and the business is not as attractive to buyers as it should be. The owner gradually accepts the offer, not realizing that with a bit of strategic preparation, that business could have been worth significantly more. And if you think that this is made up, well, again, come back to the Deep Wealth Podcast, you will hear [00:15:00] investment banker after investment banker tell the same story of how when they got involved, the right kind of investment banker, with the right kind of preparation, with a Deep Wealth client.
The game was changed, the tables turned, and the offers went significantly up, the enterprise value catapulted. This is not fiction, this is reality. So another way to look at it is imagine you're a farmer. If you spend all your time weeding and watering individual plants, yes, you'll keep them alive, but they're not going to be thriving. Now imagine you take a different approach. You take a step back, you take some time out, you plan the crops, you improve your soil, you invest in better farming techniques.
You're not only keeping your plants alive, they will be thriving. You're going to have an abundant harvest. And this is the power of a winning mindset, a growth oriented mindset. It allows you to see beyond the immediate task and focus on creating long term value.
Through your winning mindset, you identified and seized opportunities that you may have otherwise missed. And when the time comes for a liquidity event, you'll be in the best possible position to [00:16:00] capture the full value of your hard work. And that's why here at Deep Wealth, we say that most business owners, they leave at least 50 percent to over 100 percent of the deal value in the investor's or the buyer's pocket.
Hey, look no further than myself. If I would have said yes to that seven figure offer, I would have been saying no to the future nine figure offer that I created. I just didn't know it was there, it was around the corner over the bend. And I also want you to remember that with Embanet It was the same company, it was the same service, but the difference from the seven figures to the nine figures, in part, was the winning mindset, in part, it was the preparation and how we're able to prepare and position ourselves for the liquidity event.
And in the Deep Wealth Mastery Program, it's the only program that's based on a nine figure deal, and this is where we teach you how to make the shift. We provide you with the tools and the strategies to think strategically, to plan for the future, and create a business that's not only successful, but it also has a high enterprise value.
You learn to understand how and why your mindset, believe it or not, it's [00:17:00] your most powerful asset. And when you cultivate a proactive, growth oriented mindset, now you're unlocking your business's full potential, and you can achieve the success that you've always dreamed of. So as we move forward to the next section, I want you to remember this.
The need for change is not just about improving your business, it's about transforming your entire approach to entrepreneurship. It's about shifting from survival mode to growth mode, from short term thinking to long term planning. And it's about recognizing that the key to your success, it lies not in a spreadsheet, not in a complicated formula. but in your mindset
So Deep Wealth Nation, stay with me because in the next segment, I'm going to do a deep dive on very specific strategies that you can use right now today to develop your winning mindset to take your business to the next level.
And so with that said, let's talk about the shift to a winning mindset.
So how do you shift from a reactive to a proactive winning mindset?
And how do you do this not just for yourself, but also for your team, from your frontline employees all the way up to your leadership team?
[00:18:00] Well, to begin with, it starts with understanding that your business, it's an extension of your beliefs, your attitudes, and your daily practices.
And I know what you may be saying, Jeffrey, really?
That is so far off of beliefs, attitudes, practices. Yes, it is, but stay with me because I'm going to share three powerful strategies to get you started.
So the first one, it's all about embracing resilience. And as I love to say resilience always trumps resources. So, resilience isn't just about bouncing back from setbacks, it's about thriving through them. Yes, think about that, thriving through a so called setback. So, in my own journey with Embanet, resilience was the absolute key to transforming failure into what became a nine figure success story.
We didn't have outside funding, didn't have a large team, but we had our grit, we had our passion, and remember, we had resilience. Resilience was the North Star.
Remember, make resilience your North Star. And when you make it your North Star, that's where the magic happens. In fact, as I'm talking about this, I'm thinking about one of our [00:19:00] graduates from the Deep Wealth Mastery Program, Emery.
Emery went through the program and he shared with me that the program helped him and his team not only find and address those dangerous skeletons hidden in the closet, but there was also gaps within the business.
That was affecting his profits. When he turned that around through the winning mindset, the ROI went up, they put resilience to work, they began turning potential threats into opportunities for growth. So this is in theory, this is from the trenches.
The second strategy, let's focus on the long term vision. Think of your business as something that you'll keep forever, but at the same time, you're prepared to exit tomorrow.
And I know what you may be saying, Jeffrey, how can you have both?
Well, when you have that duality, it ensures that you're always adding value, innovating, staying ahead of the curve.
It's about balancing immediate operational needs with strategic long-term goals. And once again, as I'm talking about this, I'm thinking about another graduate in the Deep Wealth program.
William came along and he shared with me after the fact that once he went through the Deep Wealth Mastery program, it gave him a bigger vision for [00:20:00] his company that he wouldn't have had otherwise. And he'd been in his company for decades. He had a new lease on life with his company. He was looking at it through a different lens because he was now focusing on both the present but also the future. And he was now making decisions that not only benefited the company today, but it set itself up for future success.
And then the third strategy It's continuous learning and adaptation. The business landscape is always changing, and so should you. Commit to learning new strategies, adapting to new market trends, and always improving your processes.
The winning mindset helps you welcome trying new things. And if you falter on those new things, that's okay, you're going to get back on track. You have that winning mindset. You're trying different strategies. But when those strategies work, they help you shift once again from a reactive mindset to a proactive mindset.
It's about seeing beyond the immediate challenges and focusing on the long term success. The resilience guides you through the tough times, a long term vision keeps you on the right path, and the continuous learning ensures that you stay relevant and innovative. [00:21:00] So with all of that said, stay with me, because in the next part, we're going to explore what practical steps you can take today to cultivate this winning mindset.
And actually, that's a great title for this section. Practical Steps to Cultivate a Winning Mindset.
So to make this practical, here are some actual steps for you and your team that coming out of this episode you can begin to do right now. And again, as you hear this, please keep an open mind.
I don't want to say, Jeffrey, this is so woo woo, what are you talking about?
Really, this is where success comes from. This is both the art and the science of success.
And the first strategy, it's daily reflection.
When you start each day by reflecting on your goals in the bigger picture, ask yourself what actions today can move the dial, both on success as well as your long term vision?
This practice not only has you focused on what helps today, but it helps you prioritize the task and align with your overall objectives. It gets beyond the noise, and it has you focused on your North Star.
The [00:22:00] second strategy, surround yourself with positivity. Now, I mentioned this earlier. Let me loop back into it right now. Engage with mentors, join mastermind groups, and surround yourself with people who challenge and inspire you.
You want to be with people who have been down the path or further ahead of where you are. They've had the success, they've had their challenges, but they can share with you what's gone on. But they also have a positive attitude.
The support and the insights from a positive network is absolutely transformative. One of my favorite quotes is from Jim Rohn who says, "We are the average of the five people that we spend the most amount of time with". So take an honest look around, who are you spending the most amount of time with.
Are they positive?
Are they negative?
Are they successful?
Are they not? And again, we're not pointing any fingers. There's no judgment here. But if they're not positive, if they're not successful, it's time to rethink who you're going to be spending your time with because your future absolutely depends on it.
Could you do this on your own?
Sure you could. Many people have.
But why take longer than it needs [00:23:00] to be? When you're with the right people, you're surrounding yourself with positivity, you accelerate your success.
The third strategy is is SMART Goals.
And you may be asking, what's SMART Goals?
We love SMART Goals here at Deep Wealth. In fact, every one of our 26 Launch Plans in the Deep Wealth Mastery Program has these SMART Goals at the core of it.
So what's a SMART goal?
It's Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Relevant, and Time bound.
It keeps you focused and motivated. And by setting clear and realistic goals, you're creating a roadmap that guides your actions and decisions.
In fact, just the other day, I was speaking to another Deep Wealth graduate, Kam, who went through the program, and we were talking about how the SMART Goals during the Deep Wealth Mastery Program really helped him streamline his operations, cut down on the operational expenses, and allowed him to focus on growth, and actually, believe it or not, he had peace of mind.
Imagine that.
And then the next strategy. It's all about celebrating small wins. Let me ask you something, are you celebrating at all a [00:24:00] small win, a big win?
When we acknowledge and celebrate the progress, no matter how big, no matter how small, it builds momentum, it keeps you, it keeps the team motivated.
We're recognizing the achievements, even the so called smaller ones. And again, that all goes back to fostering a positive mindset and reinforcing the commitment to the goals, to the North Star.
So, when you implement these steps, it has a profound impact on your mindset, on your business, on your overall success.
The daily reflection, it ensures that you stay aligned with your long term vision. Surrounding yourself with positive people provides the support and inspiration that you need to push through the challenges.
And by the way, it's not just the people you surround yourself with, it's your entire environment. Are you watching movies or shows that are really negative? They're bringing you down, or reading books that are bringing you down. Whatever the case may be, make sure that the people in your environment is all about positivity.
Now, am I saying to ignore what's going on around you?
Of course not.
At the same time, though, you have a choice to filter what you're putting into that [00:25:00] beautiful mind of yours. And at the same time, we have the positivity. We're now setting the SMART Goals, which give you an even clearer direction and measurable milestones and KPIs that you're going to be striving for.
And then we round things out, we're celebrating the wins, even the small wins, to keep the motivation high and reinforcing that positive behavior.
So in the first four sections of this episode, I've put out these strategies, what you should be doing, what you should be focusing on, what you should be avoiding.
And rightly so, you may be asking, well, Jeffrey, does this work?
Is this something that I really should be doing?
And the short answer is an absolute yes.
In this next section, let me share some real life success stories, some winning strategies, some testimonials. And as I'm going through this, I'm thinking of Rachel, who went through the Deep Wealth Mastery Program, and really, she started the program with the sole intention of preparing for a future exit.
And she shared with me after the fact, I originally thought the program was really to help me exit my business, But I was pleasantly surprised to see how it began working on the first day to help grow the profits.
When we focus on the [00:26:00] long term growth, the strategic planning, we immediately begin to see improvements and profitability right from the beginning.
Just the other day, I was speaking to another Deep Wealth graduate.
Bill shared with me, Jeffrey, I came away with such a bigger vision of my company that I would not have had had it not been for the Deep Wealth Mastery Program.
And Bill's journey illustrates the power of expanding your perspective. Through the program, Bill was able to see beyond the day to day. He also got beyond what he took for granted, and from an operational side, he was able to envision a much larger, a more profitable future for his team, for his company. And this new vision not only motivated him, but it provided that North Star, that clear direction for strategic growth.
These success stories, and believe me, there are many, many more. They are proof to you that yes, a winning mindset coupled with the right strategies can absolutely transform your business and life.
And speaking of strategies, here are 10 more strategies that you can implement today to achieve the success that you want. Get that financial freedom, get that joy, get that fulfillment.
The [00:27:00] first strategy, set clear and ambitious goals. Define Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Relevant, and Time bound goals. This helps in maintaining focus, it provides a clear roadmap for your business, and at the same time, when you have your moonshot, your BHAG, your ambitious goal, it's going to push your boundaries and drive innovation and growth.
The second strategy develop a robust strategic plan. A strategic plan, it outlines your business vision, the mission, the long term objectives. It serves as a North Star, a guide for making informed decisions, and it also helps you and the team align your resources and efforts towards achieving your goal.
The third, Implement regular performance reviews. When you regularly assess how your business is doing against your goals, your KPIs, it allows you to identify, okay, where are we doing well?
How can we do even better?
What needs improvement?
What should we even stop doing?
At the same time, celebrate your achievements. You can adjust the strategies as you need to go along, but it's giving you a bird's eye view of where you are and what you need to do to get to your [00:28:00] ultimate goal.
The fourth strategy, foster a culture of innovation. Encourage creativity and new ideas with your team. Innovation leads to new products, services, and processes, and when you do it right, not only do you get a competitive edge, not only do your profits increase, you can create a market disruption. Look no further than Embanet, my company, when we went from Embanet 1 to Embanet 2, wow, we created a market disruption, that's where the magic happened, and it came from the winning mindset.
Strategy 5 invest in leadership development. Do you have leadership development? If not, now's the time to start that. Strong leadership is absolutely crucial for your business success. In fact, in Step 2 X-Factors, one of the X-Factors, a foundational one, it's your leadership team. When you have the right leadership team, they are world class and you invest in training.
You're not only attracting, but you're keeping that world class team and you're ensuring that they're doing all the right things with their leadership skills and capabilities to help take the company to the next level.
The sixth strategy, [00:29:00] leverage the data and analytics for your decision making. So use data analytics to gain insights into your business operations, into your market trends, This helps you make informed decisions.
Yes, there's no crystal ball with the absolute answer, but you're better off with the data to help guide you and steer you in the right direction. It'll also help you identify those opportunities and how to optimize that performance.
Rounding things out here, the seventh strategy build a strong advisory board. Put together a team of really experienced, positive, and successful advisors who can provide you guidance, insights, and support.
The right advisory board will help you navigate challenges, capitalize on those opportunities, and make the right strategic decision.
The eighth strategy actually is a Step 2 X Factor, The Magic Wand Question. This is where we're enhancing our customer engagement and our feedback mechanism. We're speaking to our customers. We're asking that one question. We're finding out what their painful problems are. We're coming up with new solutions to solve those painful problems.
[00:30:00] In the process, when we leverage those feedback mechanisms, we're gathering the insights. We're having that positive mindset. We're looking at what can be done, not what can't be done. And now we're improving our products, our services, we're coming up with some new things for the marketplace to create that market disruption. And by the way, as you know, a happy client, well, now we get word of mouth and that's really where we want to be.
The ninth strategy, continuous improvement. Always look for ways to improve what you're doing, your KPIs, your services, your products, adopt a winning mindset of continuous improvement to stay ahead of the marketplace, deliver more value to your customers.
And then the tenth and final strategy, prioritize the well being and development of your team. And as you know, here on the Deep Wealth Podcast, we help you extract both your business and personal deep wealth. The health for you, your team, from the frontline team members, all the way up to your leadership team, your team is your greatest asset.
What are you doing to invest in their wellbeing and their professional development?
Are your team members, are they [00:31:00] happy?
Do they have the right skills?
Can they be more productive?
Are they engaged and committed to the success of your business?
Because it forms a positive feedback loop.
We were talking about feedback loops earlier. When your team is happy, your customers pick up on that. Your customers become happier. When your team picks up on your customers becoming happier, they become happier and back and forth we go on that. And so some amazing things happen with those ten strategies.
And to further illustrate the power of a winning mindset, very quickly, I wanted to look at some inspiring stories from successful entrepreneurs. And I found a really interesting one from the Harvard Business School. And they talk about Adidas, you know, the sporting company Adidas, and when they talked about Adidas and the founder, the founder started his shoemaking career in his mother's washroom in Bavaria, Germany.
From his very humble beginnings, he did not let that deter him from pursuing his passion for creating the best possible sports shoes for the athletes.
That winning mindset overlooked the humble beginnings and focused on the absolute [00:32:00] passion to create the world's best shoes for athletes. And it was that winning mindset, it was evident in the commitment to listening to the athletes, continuously improving the designs of the shoes based on the feedback.
That dedication, that innovation, being customer centric, doing this years, decades ahead of when the marketplace would eventually do that, that made Adidas into a global brand that's still with us today. And the founder's ability to perceive every piece of feedback as an opportunity of how we can improve, make things better, and really be proactive instead of reactive.
And here's one more inspiring story, it's all about the winning mindset.
It's about a company called Bumble. It's an app. It's actually a dating app called Bumble. The founder of Bumble left Tinder, another dating app company, and wanted to create a dating app that empowered women. Her vision was to flip it around and have women make the first move. So despite the challenges and the skepticism that she faced, it was that positive mindset, that relentless focus on that innovation that [00:33:00] helped make Bumble into a revolutionary dating platform that now serves millions of users worldwide.
And what the story highlights is the importance of resilience, a long term vision, and the willingness to disrupt norms for a greater good, and having that winning mindset as the rocket fuel to get you through all of that. So what these stories are doing, they're emphasizing the importance of a positive mindset and a focus on continuous improvement and innovation.
And when we incorporate these strategies from that positive mindset into the business, we become the change that we want to see, the team sees this, we're now beginning to ensure that we have sustained growth and success.
So embrace resilience, focus on a long term vision and commit to continuous learning.
So, as we wrap things up, remember, developing a winning mindset is not a one time task. It's not something to check off on your to do list. It's actually being. You're a human being, not a to do list. It's a continuous journey.
In addition to the strategies that I've shared today, here are some additional ones that I want you to think about.
Why don't you read books [00:34:00] about mindset, leadership?
Dive into these books that inspire and teach you about the power of mindset. As an example, The Power of Positive Thinking by Norman Vincent Peale. Wow! It's a classic book. It's been around for decades. There's a great reason for that.
The second thing that you can do, why don't you engage in professional development. Go to seminars, workshop, webinars, and you want to look for things that are focusing on leadership, business growth. Network with other business owners who can provide their own perspectives, their journey, their ideas.
The third thing you can do, practice mindfulness and reflection. Incorporate mindfulness into your daily routine, whether it's meditation, whether it's journaling. When you do this on a day in, day out basis, when you reflect on your goals and your progress, you're now getting insights. Your winning mindset helps take you to the next level. And by the way, when it comes to mindfulness, journaling, meditation, that could be a whole episode in and of itself on the mental health and physical health benefits that come from that.
A fourth strategy, set up a mastermind group. Why not create or join a [00:35:00] mastermind group where you share your experiences, your journey, your challenges, your successes with other positive, like minded business owners.
It's a collaborative environment. Not only is the environment collaborative, but it's a support source for you, where you're inspired, what's said in the room stays in the room.
A fifth strategy, why not invest in personal coaching?
Hire a business coach, a success coach who can provide personal guidance and accountability.
Just like you may have a coach for your fitness goals, why not have one for your business goals?
The right success coach will help you navigate challenges and keep you focused on your big picture goal.
And then the sixth and final strategy focus on your health and wellness, can't say this enough, your health is your first wealth.
When you have a healthy body that supports a healthy mind, you're taking care of your physical health through regular exercise, the right kind of foods that you're eating, the right kind of rest and sleep, and we have many episodes on the Deep Wealth Podcast that talk about that. When you got it right on the health side, everything is flowing in the right way. It flows in and that's where you begin to see [00:36:00] the magic on the business side.
So as I begin to wrap things up, I challenge you to make your mission coming out of this podcast, one where you shift your mindset. I want you to reject that myth that mindset is a waste of time. Reject the myth that success only comes from a complicated form within a spreadsheet, and instead, welcome a winning mindset.
Why not do yourself a favor, and here's a shameless plug. Yes, I'm going to do it anyways. The shameless plug is do yourself a favor. Take one more step. Become the newest member of the 90 day Deep Wealth Mastery Program where you're growing your profits today. You're preparing for your liquidity event.
It could be two years away.
It could be 22 years away.
You're going to show up with a more valuable, a more successful, and profitable company.
After all, here's that rhetorical question for you. How do you win at a game that you've never played before? The short answer is you can't, and you don't want to experiment when it comes time for your financial freedom, your financial independence.
And speaking of your financial freedom and independence, you have one chance to make it right. Let's make sure that you make it count through the 90 Day Deep Wealth Mastery [00:37:00] Program.
Take that step, take it today, secure your legacy, secure your financial freedom, and in the process, you're protecting your future, and again, you'll never underestimate the power of being prepared with a positive mindset.
So there you have it, Deep Wealth Nation. What did you think? So with all that said and as we wrap it up, I have another question for you.
Actually, it's more of a personal favor. Did you find this episode helpful? Have you found other episodes of the Deep Wealth Podcast empowering and a game changer for your journey? And if you said yes, and I really hope you did, I have a small but really meaningful way that you can actually help us out and keep these episodes coming to you.
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And every time you subscribe and a fellow entrepreneur subscribe, it's a testament to how together, Yes, we are. We are changing the social fabric of society. One business owner at a time, one liquidity event at a time. So don't let the momentum stop here. Subscribe now on your favorite podcast channel.
You'll never miss an episode. You'll be the first to hear from the top industry leaders, the innovators, the disruptors that are really changing and shaping the business world, and maybe you're commuting, maybe you're at the gym, maybe you're taking a well deserved break that we spoke all about on this episode.
The Deep Wealth Podcast, it's your reliable source for the next big idea that could literally revolutionize your business. So once again, please hit that subscribe button, stay connected, inspired, and ahead of the curve. And again, your next big breakthrough moment, it might just be one episode away. Maybe it was even this episode.
So all that said. Thank you so much for listening. And remember your wealth isn't just [00:39:00] about the money in the bank. It's about the depth of your journey and the impact that you're creating. So let's continue this journey together. And from the bottom of my heart, thank you so much for listening to this episode.
And as we love to say here at Deep Wealth, may you continue to thrive and prosper while you remain healthy and safe. Thank you so much. God bless.

Jeffrey Feldberg
Co-Founder And CEO
Jeffrey Feldberg is not just an entrepreneur; he's a proven winner in the high-stakes game of business exits. As the mastermind behind a nine-figure liquidity event, Jeffrey doesn't just play the game—he sets the rules. Co-founder of Deep Wealth, his blueprint for success isn't theoretical fluff but hard-won wisdom from the trenches. Whether driving operational excellence or preparing for a lucrative sale, Jeffrey's strategies ensure your business isn't just surviving—it's thriving.
Under Jeffrey's guidance, you'll learn to navigate the complex M&A landscape with the precision of a seasoned pro. His Deep Wealth Mastery program isn't just about growth; it's about preparing you to win big when it counts. With a focus on actionable insights and real-world applications, Jeffrey empowers you to boost your company’s value and secure the deal of a lifetime. In the business world, Jeffrey Feldberg is the ally you want in your corner, transforming potential into profits.