Sept. 23, 2024

Entrepreneur And Life Coach Martin Salama Shares How To Transform Challenges Into Triumphs (#371)

Entrepreneur And Life Coach Martin Salama Shares How To Transform Challenges Into Triumphs (#371)

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“Always know that things will be OK.” - Martin Salama

Martin Salama, creator of the Warrior's Life Code, shares his journey of transformation from a worried entrepreneur who faced personal and financial challenges to becoming a life coach and author. He provides practical steps for controlling emotions and emphasizes the importance of shifting from lack to abundance. 

02:24 Martin Salama's Journey: From Businessman to Life Coach

04:55 Rebuilding Life: Discovering Life Coaching

07:03 Developing the Warrior's Life Code

10:55 Applying the Warrior's Life Code in Real Life

16:00 Martin's Coaching System and Risk Reversal Strategy

20:58 Scalability and Delegation

21:31 Action for Change

22:10 Personal Transformation Journey

25:35 The Cycle of ACE

30:25 Gratitude and Positivity

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The Warriors Life Code 

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Book: Worrier To Warrior: 7 Steps to UNCOVER The Warrior Within and Live Incredibly Full Everyday 

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371 Martin Salama

Jeffrey Feldberg: [00:00:00] For over a decade, Martin Salama, the architect of the Warrior's Life Code, has been helping entrepreneurs shift from worry and lack to abundance and being a life warrior. Why spend your time worrying when you can be living incredibly full every day?

And before we hop into the podcast, a quick word from our sponsor, Deep Wealth and the Deep Wealth Mastery Program. We have William, a graduate of Deep Both Mastery, and he says, I didn't have the time for Deep Both Mastery, but I made the time and I'm glad I did.

What I learned goes far beyond any other executive program or coach I've ever experienced. Or how about Bruce? Bruce says, before Deep Wealth Mastery, the challenge I had with most business programs, coaches, or blogs was that they were one dimensional. Through Deep Wealth Mastery, I'm part of a richer community of other successful business owners.

The idea shared forever changed the trajectory of the business and best of all, the experience was fun. And we'll round things out with Stacey. 

Stacey said, I wish I had access to the Deep Wealth Mastery before my liquidity event, as it would have been extremely [00:01:00] helpful. Deep Wealth Mastery exceeded my expectations in terms of content and quality.

And you know what, my Deep Wealth Nation, why they're saying this is because Deep Wealth Mastery, it's the only system based on a nine figure deal. That was my deal. And as you know, I said no to a seven figure offer, and I created a system that we now call Deep Wealth Mastery that helped myself and my business partners, welcome from a different buyer, a different offer, a nine figure exit.

So if you're interested in growing your profits, preparing for a future liquidity event, if that's two years away or 20 years away, and you want to optimize your post exit life, Deep Wealth Mastery is for you. Please email success at deepwealth. com. Again, that's success, S U C C E S S, at deepwealth. com. We'll send you all the information about Deep Wealth Mastery, otherwise known as Scale for Ultimate Sale. That's where you want to be. You want to be with other successful business owners, entrepreneurs, and founders just like you who are looking to create market disruptions.

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That's the 90 day Deep Wealth Mastery Program. It has your name on it. All you need to do is take the next step. Send an email to success at deepwealth. com. 

Welcome to the Deep Wealth Podcast. Well, you heard it in the official introduction. We have a fantastic guest today. We have an author, thought leader, a coach, Mr. Success for short is what we're going to call him. But Martin, welcome to the Deep Wealth Podcast. An absolute pleasure to have you with us. And I'm curious, Martin, because there's always a story behind the story.

So what's your story? What brought you from where you were to where you are today?

Martin Salama: Well, first thing is, Jeffrey, thank you for having me. I'm excited to be here. And it's a great question. So, for the first close to 50 years of my life, I was a businessman. I was what they now call an entrepreneur, but back in the day, we used to call us businessmen. I don't know when the term changed, but that's what I was.

And I was in different businesses my whole life. From when I was a kid, I worked with my dad every day. I had off from school and I went to his factory and stuff like that. I got into my Then in [00:03:00] 2008, do you remember that year?

Jeffrey Feldberg: Oh my goodness. Who couldn't not remember? I mean, that was a crazy year.

Martin Salama: So for me my wife and I were working on a project for five years to build a multimillion dollar tennis club in health center in New Jersey, central New Jersey by the Jersey Shore. And we had finally gotten all the approvals in the summer of 2008. Now, if it was 2006 or oh seven, walking into the bank was like walking into Costco and getting samples from the ladies at the end of the aisle.

They were handing out money.

Jeffrey Feldberg: The battle days. Yeah. Yeah. I remember that.

Martin Salama: Now, unfortunately for me, it was the summer of 2008 when I finally got all my approvals. So I go into the bank and I'm like, okay, I'm ready. I've got three and a half million dollars of my money, investor money loans into this, I'm ready to get into the ground. And I got all the approvals and they're like, yep, we're not lending anymore.

I'm like, what do you mean? You're not lending? Well, things are slowing down. Things are changing. It's getting tough out there. A month later, Bernie Madoff, subprime loans, [00:04:00] the financial world falls apart. And I'm stuck with nothing. I've lost absolutely everything. And it takes me about a year to get out of a depression.

In that year, I stopped paying my mortgage. I stopped paying my car payments. And something that never happened to me happened about two, three months later. My son tells me, dad, look outside. They were towing away my car and there went my BMW.

Jeffrey Feldberg: Oh my goodness.

Martin Salama: Yeah. And I was like, what the hell? I ran out. I'm like, please don't take my car.

Sorry, you haven't made your payments. I'm like, well, can I get the stuff out of the car? Nope. I'm like, what? I can't even get the things out of my car. Sorry. And there it went. The house was foreclosed on, but because we lived in New Jersey and at that time there were so many foreclosures, it took them years till they finally moved on the foreclosure. That's where I was. So I was in this depression for about a year and it was a situational depression as I recognize now because of what I'd gone through. And I said, okay I have a chance to start my whole life over again, to [00:05:00] rewrite myself. What do I really want to do? Cause I never loved being a businessman.

I love, never loved being a businessman. The salesman, and I realized the thing I loved most was getting involved in community organizations and being a leader there. And as a leader, people come in and they go, Martin, I can't do what you're doing. But I don't want you to do what I'm doing.

I want you to give us your time of what you're good at. And I would sit with them and talk with them and coach them and to understand what they were good at. And I realized that's what I was very good at, coaching people about their potential. So I said, Oh, let me become a life coach. So I start looking into this world of life coaching, which back in, this was 2010.

People didn't really understand what life was. It was still something like, I told somebody I was going to be a life coach and they said, for what team? But I found this coaching school that I wanted to go to. And about two months before the coaching was going to start, the training was my 24th wedding anniversary. And my wife gave me a very interesting gift that day. She said, I want a divorce.

Jeffrey Feldberg: Oh my [00:06:00] goodness. Wow.

Martin Salama: Oh my God. Why does everything keep happening to me? I felt like the world just kept on banging on my head.

And then I said, okay, now I got a decision to make. And I said, I'm still going to go through with coaching. And it was that decision that when I got into that first weekend of coach training, and they said, you can be whoever you want to be. And you've got to figure out what's going on inside of yourself before you could help other people was a life changer for me.

And I started to understand the things that led to my divorce with some of the things that I had done that were contributor to the divorce. And of course she had done some things as well. Neither one of us were completely blameless. And we were both victims of it. I realized that I took everything personally that I was a people pleaser and as a people pleaser and things that take things personally, I always wanted the recognition and I was always a control freak to make sure that everything would go right.

And when all those things weren't happening, I'd lose my temper very [00:07:00] quickly. So I learned that I needed to change those things. So I came out of coach training and I realized that I was a new person now that I'm divorced and I decided to become a divorce recovery coach. And I did that for a few years and things were okay, but I was also doing a regular dead end job during the day.

after a couple of years, I realized I was loving what I was doing, but I wanted to take it to another level.

And that's where I started to come up with this life concept, which is what my book is based on. You mentioned that I'm an author my second book came out June of 2023.

It's called Warrior to Warrior. And I'm a Brooklyn guy. So people that don't understand my accent, that's warrior with an O to warrior with an A. Exactly.

Jeffrey Feldberg: Absolutely. And for our listeners, we will have that in the show notes, and I love the title, Warrior to Warrior, Seven Steps to Uncover the Warrior Within and Live Incredibly Full Every Day. And let me ask you something, Martin, because this came from your own personal journey. You're [00:08:00] talking from experience.

This isn't theory. This isn't from a textbook. This is from the trenches. And before we go in for Deep Wealth Nation and what's going to be in it for them and some strategies there, looking back at your journey what was a seminal moment for you when you recognize, Hey, you know what, okay, I wouldn't have necessarily picked this, but I am where I am, and this is actually a gift.

Martin Salama: know, it's such a great question. And I can pick a time a couple of years after my divorce and a couple of years after I became a life coach where I had an issue come up. My son was getting married, okay. And I was living in New York and my ex was still living in New Jersey with the, my single kids.

And I come from an Orthodox Jewish community in Brooklyn. And sometimes there's a tradition that before the Saturday, before the wedding, you have like a lunch for the bride and groom and the boy goes to the Torah and all these things. And my son went to New Jersey for the weekend [00:09:00] and he comes home and he's distraught.

Dad, I'm so sorry. Mommy made the lunch and didn't tell you. Everybody was there and you weren't.

Jeffrey Feldberg: Oh my goodness.

Martin Salama: I felt terrible, dad. I told my son, Caesar, thank you. I'm not upset at you. Now I had a decision to make. What was I going to do about this now? The old me would have picked up the phone right there and ripped my ex a new one.

Who the hell do you think you are? I thought about it and the new me started saying, how can I make this work out correctly? What she did was wrong and I was very upset about it, but it had to be done at the right time. If I did it right there, my son would have been upset. My future daughter in law would have upset her family, my ex.

My family would say, oh, there he goes again, just going off. And I went out and I thought about it, I went and got some coaching from people that I cared about. And people think coaching is all about helping people never get angry. No, [00:10:00] it's about understanding what happens when you get angry. So I waited until after the wedding. And two days after the wedding, I called her up and I said, I just want you to know what you did. You had this lunch, you didn't invite me. You sent a message to my children that I don't matter, that you sent a message to the new family that. I have don't respect me. And all this thing, I went on for about 10 minutes, maybe longer.

And whether she heard it or not, didn't matter. And I ended the conversation by saying, thank you for divorcing me. And for me, that was the closure.

And it was like, okay, what I've been taught and what I've trained myself now to change and do, I've put into action and it works and I can help other people in the same way.


Jeffrey Feldberg: ask you this now, and it's a great segue from your journey to what you're doing now with the coaching and for the entrepreneurs, the business owners, the founders, or the business people, as you refer to back in the day. Because whether it's on the personal side, whether it's on the business side, firstly, whoever said [00:11:00] business isn't personal has never been in business, everything is personal.

And I'm sure we can all tell and relate to stories of either for ourselves, or we know someone in a business situation, in a professional situation who let the emotions get the better of him or herself and lost a deal, lost a client, had a really sterling reputation turned into a not so great reputation.

Martin Salama: Yeah.

Jeffrey Feldberg: What you're talking about in terms of what you did for yourself versus now taking that into all areas of our lives. What's the thinking or the strategies behind that? Because coming out of here, if for the Deep Wealth Nation, if a listener can have one action item out of every episode that they can do right away, then that's incredible.

We're paying it forward. And perhaps that's the one action item of, Hey, when I feel the emotions rising, my temper is rising, I'm going to say something I'm going to regret, well, yeah, Martin said, do A, B and C. What would A, B and C be? 

Martin Salama: Oh, that's great. I actually have a, B, C, D. Okay. And if you [00:12:00] remember if the audience remembers in the beginning, we talked about, the name of my book is, the Bottom the subtitle is Seven Steps to Uncover The Warrior Within And Live Incredibly Full Every Day. Now that is. An acronym for life, live incredibly full every day.

To me, that's living a happy life and a meaningful life.

So I took that acronym life and turned it into another four, four words, which are the Warriors Life Code Method to build your emotional strength and rule your actions. So basically you rule your emotions so that your emotions are not ruling you.

Okay. So here's the A, B, C, D and L, I, F, E. L. Listen to your inner voice and acknowledge your emotions. Okay, so you're angry, right? Take out a piece of paper and write down, I'm angry. Okay. So you do that. The next step is identify your feelings. There's a difference between emotions and feelings. Emotions are that thing that happens immediately.

[00:13:00] And the feelings is how deep of emotion is that anger? Is it enraged, a high level of anger, or is it a little ticked off, a low level? And now by writing this down and putting words to it, it helps you to calm that emotion and figure out what to do next, which is find out why F question yourself.

Find out why by asking the questions like you're on trial and you are the cross examining yourself. Did they hurt me? Did they help me? What's going on here? Whatever it is. And then the last one is E, engage and change and take action. And we could look at my story that I just told you and see how I did all those four steps in that.

Jeffrey Feldberg: wow. So I love the acronym and I love really the applicability and how we can all take that and apply it really to any situation and come at it really from more of a caring, a more thoughtful, a kinder way of doing that. And let me ask you [00:14:00] this before we go into the method behind your madness of what you're doing with your coaching and how you're helping people out there, one of my favorite questions to ask thought leaders like yourself is.

The following, and again, you can say, Jeffrey, with a question that you asked, well, everyone's different and the journey, it's all personal, it's really going to depend. No two people, no two journeys are alike. And I get that, but let's put that off to the side for just a moment. When you're doing your coaching, when you're out there and you're speaking to the various thought leaders, entrepreneurs, you name it.

Is it Pareto's law, the 80 20 rule that you're seeing, is it 20 percent of the same, what some people call problems, I call them opportunities, that people are going through time and time again that are creating 80 percent of the so called issues?

Martin Salama: Absolutely. Absolutely. The 80 20 rule works in so many areas of our lives and we just don't recognize it. And it's that really 80 percent of your time, things are just moving along, doing whatever, and they're on autopilot. [00:15:00] And it's the 20 percent when it comes in that overtakes 80 percent of your life.

Because the autopilot stuff are going no matter what. And so it's that 20 percent that you have to learn how to manage your emotions, manage what's going on, and understand that exactly, if you allow your emotions to rule your next action, You will have pitfalls and you will have issues. For myself, I told you, I reacted to everything.

I had a short temper. I was like a nuclear reactor. I blow up so badly that there'd be fallout. I'd end up having to go back to apologize to people. And most of the times, Jeffrey, my apologies were like this, Jeffrey, I'm so sorry I did this. But You did this and you said that and that's not really an apology.

So now it's about understanding where it's coming from and understanding how can I change it? So, yes, no question. 20 percent of the stuff goes on affects 80 percent of you.[00:16:00]

Jeffrey Feldberg: Martin, what's interesting with you offline, you and I were talking and what became very clear in terms of what you're doing right now, you're actually helping, guiding, strategizing Other kinds of coaches, other kinds of thought leaders who are then themselves taking what they're learning from you, with you, and then sharing that with the entrepreneurs, the founders, the business owners that are out there.

So talk about paying it forward with your system that you're now doing and with your book and your coaching sessions. Through those actions, you're really having a huge pay it forward out there. And so with that in mind, why don't you What is Martin's system? What does it look like? So if I came to you today and said, okay, Martin, tell you what?

Become my coach, help me hear the challenges I'm having, ABCDE, whatever it is, what am I looking at it in terms of how long does this take and coming out of it, how have things changed for me?

Martin Salama: Ah, unbelievable. Thank you so much. So, so many of us in the coaching area. All looking to [00:17:00] make an impact as well as make money. And some people start to struggle with that idea of, can I make an impact and make money at the same time? The answer is yes. As much as what you have, you don't believe is valuable, as valuable as you, people are telling you, you think it is.

It really is. And it's about you pay to putting value within yourself and recognizing that you could go out there and change people's lives with the impact and make money at the same time. Thank God for people like Tony Robbins. He's doing great. So why can't you as well?

And many of us go and find these coach to coaches programs, right?

That tell you, Oh, this is going to be great. What's going to be done for you. It's going to be done with you. And they say, pay me all this and you'll get there. And what I found, because I've done it myself, is that they're not either done for you or done with you. Most of them are done to you. You paid all this money, and they expected you to understand some things that you don't understand, and they expected you to figure it out all on your own, you've already paid me, now go do it.

[00:18:00] So I looked at this and I said, no, that's not a good model. It has to be a model where it's not just done for you, it's done for you. So what I do is I've come up with what I call a risk reversal strategy and this program that's called the Guaranteed Seven Figure Warrior Program. What I do is within two years, I can guarantee you seven figures.

And the way I do it is by utilizing this risk reversal strategy, which says. You pay me only 12 and a half percent of my fee, and then you don't pay me again until you start to get results. So I'm coaching you on results, I'm not coaching you on information. And the results come in a different way. So what I do is, number one, we figure out the nuts and bolts.

The nuts and bolts are, who's your right fit client, who's your right fit audience. So right fit audience could be healthcare, health workers. But the right fit client could be a chiropractor. Hear the difference? He's a right fit audience because he's a person, but he's a right fit audience because it's a [00:19:00] little deeper.

Now, it could be different things for different people, so I'm using that just as an idea. You can even go deeper and say a left handed chiropractor, right? So once we figured out who your right fit audience and client you then have to figure out What are the outcomes that you can help them that they need help with?

It's not how you can help them It's what you can do for them. They don't care how they want to know what you Sell them what they want, and then when they're in the program, you give them what they need. And they don't want to know what they need. They want to know what they want, and they want to know that you can help them get there.

So we do that. Then we help you blueprint it out, so that it makes sense. And then it comes the next part. Which is then you go out and get it validated and I show you how to do this in a special questions and special way of doing it to go out there and ask questions of people that are in that right fit client audience sector and saying, I'm just looking for you to tell me if what I'm putting together has value.

You're not asking them [00:20:00] to buy it because if they can validate it, they may at the end of the day, I want to buy what you're doing. Well, that would be a great bonus, but they're already getting validated for what they put together. And if they come back and they say, I'm not getting the results we thought, great, let's figure out what's working, what's not working.

So what I do, that's part one. Part two is then working on the mindset because you get to seven figures, six figures. It takes right systems, that's the nuts and bolts. To get beyond six figures to seven figures, you have to have that system, and then you also have to have the right mindset. So in comes the warrior to warrior, switching it from lack to abundance.

On a deeper level, it's switching it from self conscious to self aware. Self consciousness is, oh, I've got to make everybody else happy. Oh, I've got, you know, I'm guilty, I feel bad, it's just all those negative things. Self aware is, is about, I feel good about what I'm doing and I feel wonderful about going out there and doing it.

And then the final [00:21:00] part of it is, to get beyond that, you've got to be scalable. You can't do it all. And you should stay in your lane of, if you're a great coach, you should be coaching and having people around you doing the things that you shouldn't be doing, even though you think you should be. So that's the quick overview of it.

Jeffrey Feldberg: Absolutely love that. And it's actually a nice parallel to what you've done with the book and the part one, the two, the three, the four in terms of tools for success and the deep dive into transformation and the reflection for change and then action for change. Let's go back to action for change, which is actually part four in your book.

And let's go actually back to your story because once upon a time you said, you know what? I love. The business part, but not me being so much in the business as I like helping other people be in the business. Now, came to that realization, and Martin, for a lot of people, that realization would have come and gone.

And it would have been the same old fill in the blank, different day. And off they went, but [00:22:00] for you, you stopped, you made a change and you went down the path. That wasn't an easy one for you because it was new and you had to really learn the new rules of the game and get yourself out there. And so I'm wondering if you can share for the Deep Wealth Nation for how do you make that change?

Finding the courage to do that? I mean, what was your mindset? What was your emotions and feelings like as you were leading up to that, as you're going through it, and now that you're through the other side of it?

Martin Salama: Yeah. So Jeffrey I've always found that most people have the greatest awareness about where they are in their lives at the lower points. Cause when things are going well, you don't question if you're not feeling great about things because things are going well, even though there could be some things underlying that aren't so great.

And for me, I was really down, I was at rock bottom. When all this was happening, so I needed to look at myself and say what's working and what's not working. And I got lucky because I [00:23:00] decided to do something like coaching, which in that first weekend, before I even went to the weekend, they sent me a list of books.

They said, read a couple of these books just to get your mindset set right. And one of them was the Four Agreements by Don Miguel Ruiz. And when I read that second agreement, don't take anything personally, I felt like he was literally talking directly to me, telling me a secret that everybody specifically my father had been telling me my whole life.

But until that minute, I wasn't ready to hear it. So really it's about, are you ready to make the changes? And the first thing I do in my book and my course, and I also have a card deck so that people can just pull it out at any time is ACC. Admission, Cleansing, Celebration. Admit that what's going on in your life isn't working or admit what's going on isn't going the way exactly the way you want it to go and that you need to make some changes. Then the next [00:24:00] is Cleansing. What are you going to do to change what's not working? Because as, Albert Einstein said, The definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over again and expecting it to change. It's not going to change. So that's where the cleansing comes in. What am I going to do a little different today that I didn't do yesterday? And then the celebration is when things start to happen, even the little victories celebrate them because then you build on them.

Jeffrey Feldberg: Interesting. And as you're describing that, walking us through Martin, what you were thinking, what you're going through at that point in time, there's that old adage out there about quitting, that winners never quit. And while there is a truth to that. It's also in certain circumstances, it's confusing because it's also not true.

Winners actually do quit at the right place at the right time. And so for yourself, you were quitting in terms of the path that you had been taking, and for some people, [00:25:00] this is an issue because they quit far too often. They don't give themselves enough time and they're quitting. They're onto something else and it's rinse, repeat.

They go through the same thing again. And other people, by the time they do quit, and this could be me, It's too late. I've gone down this path for far too long. It's been good money after bad, and it just should've been something that was done a long time ago to push the eject button and get out of it. 

Martin Salama: Right. And a lot of that has to do with emotional tie. You're so emotionally tied to it that how can I let it go?

Jeffrey Feldberg: Yes.

Martin Salama: So there's another thing I talk about in my book. You just keep laying, handing me the layups today, Jeffrey. The next thing I talk about right after mission cleansing and celebration is something I call the cycle of ACE. And it's a cycle because it's a perpetual motion. The first one is ask the universe for what you want. And it could be as simple as, I just came up with a great idea. In my head, that's almost like the universe giving it to you by, but it's, so now you've come up with this great idea. You've asked the universe for, I want to come up [00:26:00] with something to do something.

So you come up with an idea or you say, God, I want to be a millionaire. Okay. Now, number one, if you don't believe you should be a half a million dollars, you won't have it, but that's another story. So ask the universe, ask God for what you want. And that's where. The rubber hits the road between people understanding the Law of Attraction.

People say, oh, the Law of Attraction, you think about it, it comes to you, and that's all. And when it doesn't happen, they go, okay, the Law of Attraction doesn't work. Well, of course not, because that's not all it's about. That brings in the next A, which is Act. Start doing the work to get what it is you're asking for. And then the final A is Attitude. You have to have an attitude of, I am not emotionally attached to the outcome. And that's the tough part. And that's exactly what you were talking about, Jeffrey.

Jeffrey Feldberg: And so a few things with that, because I know for some of the listeners who are saying, wow, Martin, this is really out there. And some people say it's even woo woo. Although what's interesting is the science [00:27:00] actually is finally catching up with what ancient civilizations have known for eons. How, what we feel inside, our emotions that we emote, that's what can manifest what we see for our outside reality that goes along with that.

And so, but I liked what you said, maybe you can walk us through a little bit more about that. Easier said than done is really not to put words in your mouth. What you were saying is don't have expectations, don't have judgment. Don't put labels on things.

Martin Salama: So you're right. It does sound a little woo and a little bit out there, but the way I put it in, I give you the steps that are practical. So take the woo woo and the out there and say, how can I make that happen? And you know, energy attacks like energy. So if you surround yourself with the positive, opportunistic type of people, the opportunities will show up.

But if you surround yourself with the downtrodden, complaining, never looking for opportunities, always looking for problems, [00:28:00] that's what's going to show up as well. And you're right, science is catching up to these things and saying there's a method there. There's reason there. And so what I've done is say, okay, so I've given you the outline of, This crazy idea of a cycle of A's, but if you write it down and you say, this is happening and it's not a coincidence and you build on it, the magic.

What's in within you starts to happen and you build on it. It's like exercise. You get up and you're like, oh, I'm way overweight. I have no energy. I can't exercise. Well, number one, you gave up on yourself already. Do a walk around the block, one walk, then do two. Two times around the block, then a little more.

And what happens is the endorphins start to kick in. I myself was there, was at the heaviest ever was, this is three or four years after coaching. I was already coaching, but I, thought like I couldn't afford to be coached. What I learned was I couldn't afford not to be coached. [00:29:00] And a friend of mine reached out to me and said, I got this great video that you can do at home to lose weight and feel better about yourself.

And I'll coach you for free. Okay, great. And within nine months, I lost 65 pounds because I built on it. And I allowed myself the first two weeks of working out on these videos, I was doubled over and I felt like I was running to the bathroom throw up. That's how out of shape I was, but I pushed through because my motivation, my why was big enough.

And I lost 65 pounds in nine months. And with that, I was able to work out better, enjoy life, enjoy everything and start to like myself again. Which was a big thing.

Jeffrey Feldberg: congratulations on that journey and getting to where you got to from where you were. That's easier said than done, and in fact, you did that. So let me ask you this, Martin, before we start going into rapid mode, and there's so many different rabbit holes that we can go down and it's enticing and tempting.

I'm wondering enough?[00:30:00]

Is there a question that I didn't ask or a topic that we haven't covered, or even a message that you'd like to get out there to Deep Wealth Nation?

Martin Salama: Well, I think we did a great thing of, of touching a lot of areas that I have my, life in my hand in helping people build their impact in many different ways, personally, professionally. So thank you for that. But here's what I'd like to leave your audience with. How about. You wake up every morning, you pull out a nice notebook, like maybe even a moleskin notebook.

I know it's not video, but a nice moleskin notebook that has some value to it some meat to it. And you write down three things you're grateful for every morning. Just write down, I'm so thankful that my coffee was ready when I needed it to be. I'm so happy that it's a nice day outside. Something that you're grateful for.

And do it every day. And then set up a mantra within yourself that's going to set you up for [00:31:00] success, set you up for opportunities. Mine is, I live incredibly full every day. And then go from there. And then this, go out and make somebody laugh today. And when they laugh, thank them for filling your quota.

And they're like, what? Now you've connected with them and they go, yeah, you helped me make somebody laugh today. That's my quota. And they're like, oh, wow. Now you've touched them instead, before you just made them laugh and they didn't think of any, you didn't think of anything of it. Now you turn to them and say, go make somebody else laugh and tell them the same thing.


Jeffrey Feldberg: Interesting. The whole gratitude side, what's amazing about gratitude. And again, the ancient civilizations, they have known this. And even for ourselves, forget having to go back. Just look within when you're grateful. How do you feel? How does the world around you look? How are your actions different?

What's interesting though, the science is now coming back of all the feelings, all the emotions, gratitude. It's the most powerful. It's a gateway that can help lift us, uplift us [00:32:00] into other realms and then being kind, having somebody laugh. Again, we can just look within. The saying is so true. Oftentimes.

When we give to someone, in this case, having them laugh, we're receiving a lot more than what we're giving, and between gratitude, having someone laugh, I mean, what a great way to go through life and to be able to do that. But let me ask you something, because, hey, we're all human, we have those days where things aren't going our way, it's frustrating, we're not even in the best mood.

Martin, what would be some strategies of getting back to gratefulness? What would that look like when we just don't feel it, don't even want to be there?

Martin Salama: Oh, so yeah, I mean, there are days, we all have it. wish I was a hundred percent positive and great and no problems in my life, but it does happen. But for me, it's about at that moment, taking a step back and recognizing. What do I have in my life that's really good right now? And everybody's got something that's good for me this morning.

I'll give you a perfect [00:33:00] example. I had a zoom call set up for 11 o'clock. It was 10 after 10. My daughter calls me up and she says, what are you doing now? I said, well, I have a call at 11. She goes, my grandson, her son is two and a half and he's not feeling well. Can you pick him up from school and get him home?

I looked at the clock. I said, yeah, I could do that right now. I got to school. He was so excited to see me. He jumped in the car. First, he was crying. Then he's Oh, it's Papa. I can be good. And I drove him home. I got a big hug and a big kiss out of him. Whatever problems I had in the world went away right then and there because I was so excited and he was excited to see me.

Jeffrey Feldberg: So interesting, when we get out of our head and interact with other people, give of ourselves, in this case, which is usually the case for all of us, it was an instant transformation. And thank you for being so vulnerable and so open. So I'll end. All of that said, it's a great segue. It's a tradition here on the Deep Wealth Podcast where I have the privilege of asking [00:34:00] every guest the same question.

And Martin, it's a fun question. Let me set this up for you. When you think of the movie Back to the Future, you have that magical DeLorean car that will take you to any point in time. So Martin, the fun part is tomorrow morning, you're looking outside your window, not only is the DeLorean car curbside.

The door is open. It's waiting for you to hop on in, which you do, and you're now going to go to any point in your life. Martin, as a young child, a teenager, whatever point in time it would be, what are you asking your younger self in terms of life lessons or life wisdom? Or hey, Martin, do this, but don't do that.

What would it sound like?

Martin Salama: Wow. That's a great question. And I didn't know where you were going to send me. So it was interesting that you put it into my own personal life. I had a tragedy when I was 10 years old. I lost my brother to a school bus accident. He was five years younger than me and it affected me for the next 40 years of my life in a negative way.

And now I've accepted it. And when I think of him or something comes up and someone says his name, even if it's [00:35:00] not, his name is the name, Michael. I think about that God has him looking over me. So for me, I would go back to when I was 10, 11 years old, after this happened, and told him or tell him, I understand you said you could be sad.

It's okay to be sad for what happened for you, for your brother and all that, but look for the positive, move forward and build your life based on the fact that you know your brother's there watching over you.

Jeffrey Feldberg: some powerful words and some insights for us. And it's also, as I'm thinking about this in challenging times or things haven't gone our way, or there's been a loss to remind ourselves that things are going to be okay, despite how it looks or how it feels at that time, things are going to be okay. Some really terrific words of wisdom to leave us with. Well, Martin, before we go into the official wrap up, one last question for you for a listener. They have a question. They want you to coach them. They have some other kinds of things that they want to look into with you. [00:36:00] Help them take their business to the next level, whatever the case may be.

Where would be the best place online for someone to reach you?

Martin Salama: So I made it very simple. I created a page, a link called connectwithmartin. com. It's that simple. You can go there and you can buy a book, buy my book. You can buy my card deck. There are free gifts on there. Like for example, you can get a worksheet on the, controlling your emotions instead of your emotions controlling you, the life method also the cycle of A's, a couple of other things.

And there's a link there. To have a just a conversation with me, a clarity call. And if you're interested in hearing about my seven figure guaranteed seven figure warrior program, there's a link for that too.

Jeffrey Feldberg: Terrific. And again, Deep Wealth Nation, it couldn't get any easier. Go to the show notes. It's a point and click. It's all there for you. Well, Martin, it's official. This is a wrap. Congratulations. And as we love to say here at Deep Wealth, may you continue to thrive and prosper while you're made healthy and safe.

Thank you so much. So there you have it, Deep Wealth [00:37:00] Nation. What did you think? So with all that said and as we wrap it up, I have another question for you.

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So all that said. Thank you so much for listening. And remember your wealth isn't just about the money in the bank. It's about the depth of your journey and the impact that you're creating. So let's continue this journey together. And from the bottom of my heart, thank you so much for listening to this episode.

And as we love to say here at Deep Wealth, may you [00:39:00] continue to thrive and prosper while you remain healthy and safe. Thank you so much. God bless.

Martin Salama Profile Photo

Martin Salama

L.I.F.E. Coach

For over a decade Martin Salama, The Architect of The Warrior's L.I.F.E. Code has been helping entrepreneurs shift from worry and lack to abundance and being a L.I.F.E. Warrior! Why spend your time worrying when you can be Living Incredibly Full Everyday!