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Bobby Mesmer

CEO & Founder

CEO & Founder of RMG Erectors & Constructors, & RMG Luxury Services. Bobby Mesmer is a highly successful serial entrepreneur. He is the founder and CEO of RMG Erectors & Constructors, LLC the world’s largest Pre-Engineered Metal Building Erector, and RMG Luxury Services, LLC a new startup providing Black car SUV and luxury Jet services to the national market and created to disrupt the current market sector. He has developed and sold two other highly successful businesses over the last 15 years. Bobby has a knack for finding and seizing opportunity through multiple markets, he is extremely focused on driving business success through his hands on approach with each business at all levels as well as his unique ability to foster a company culture of growth, buy in and commitment from every employee who works with him.. This personal approach in his leadership has fueled his success and created a strategic niche in each of his businesses.

Talking Points
- The principle behind “It’s the Name on the Door”
- Hands-on Leadership & Long Term Solutions
- Overcoming Financial Setbacks
