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Doug Utberg

Doug Utberg Profile Photo

April 20th, 2020. I was ascending the corporate ladder as director of the Program Management office at a prominent Technology company. I had just successfully crafted the enterprise security roadmap and influenced Accounting to modernize its project policies when I was abruptly terminated without cause and no notice by the new Chief Information Officer in the middle of the COVID-19 global Pandemic

With my career abruptly disrupted alongside 20 million other people who were displaced in April 2020, I took control and charted out my own course. From the depths of career despair, I proceeded to create businesses in expense reduction, business growth acceleration, startup business architecture, and Information Technology resourcing.

Eagle Scout and Marine Corps Veteran.

Husband and Father of a 16 year old girl and 13 year old son.

20 year veteran in Finance and Technology.

Value-Obsessed business owner and entrepreneur.

Key Focus Areas: Business Growth, Practical Economics, Balancing Personal & Professional Success