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Nellie Harden

Nellie Harden Profile Photo

Author / Speaker

Nellie is a wife, mother to 4 teenage daughters, and an author and speaker in the space of Family Life & Leadership. Her work involves building the leaders within through a twofold focus. First, she is helping parents love & lead their daughters in a way that teaches them to love & lead themselves by building a strong foundation of worth, esteem & confidence in them all before they leave home! Second, she works toward restoring, or building for the very first time, this same foundation in adult women who didn’t have this built in their formative childhood years or were robbed of it from trauma in their lives.
Her background is in biology and psychology, from humpbacks to humans, and she has invested decades of her life into personal, family, Christian faith, and leadership development. Most of all, she believes the best way to change the world is through one living room at a time!