July 22, 2024

Investor, Founder, And Entrepreneur Philip Chan Reveals Strategies Of The Ultra Wealthy (#353)

Investor, Founder, And Entrepreneur Philip Chan Reveals Strategies Of The Ultra Wealthy (#353)

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Be open minded, embrace relationships, and know that you are destined for greatness.” -Philip Chan

In this episode of the Deep Wealth Podcast, Philip Jayhawk Chand, CEO of Lightspeed Investing, shares his personal journey from aspiring surgeon to successful investor. He discusses overcoming burnout in the medical field and pivoting towards finance, where he teamed up with former medical professionals turned investment experts. 

04:33 Philip's Journey from Medicine to Investing

10:22 The Importance of Relationships in Business

17:18 Lightspeed Investing: Accelerating Wealth Creation

21:29 Who Should Consider Lightspeed Investing?

32:02 Success Stories and Testimonials

37:46 Final Thoughts and Wrap-Up

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353 Philip Chan

Jeffrey Feldberg: [00:00:00] Philip Jayhawk Chand is the President and CEO of Lightspeed Investing, and he brings a unique perspective to the world of finance and investing. , as a once aspiring surgeon who experienced the depths of burnout and disillusionment within the medical field, Philip's journey took an unexpected turn when he stumbled upon the transformative power of Lightspeed Investing.

With newfound hope and determination, he embarked on a relentless pursuit of knowledge, Immersing himself in the intricacies of different asset classes, it was through a serendipitous collaboration with a group of former medical professionals, now turned investment experts, that Philip unlocked the secrets to accelerating wealth creation in ways that surpassed his wildest dreams.

And before we start this episode, a quick word from our sponsor, Deep Wealth and the 90 Day Deep Wealth Mastery Program. Here's Jane, a graduate who says, and I quote, the Deep Wealth Mastery Program prevented me from making what would have been one of the biggest mistakes of my career. I almost signed on the dotted line with an [00:01:00] unsolicited offer that I now realized would have shortchanged my hard work and my future had I accepted that offer. Deep Wealth Mastery has tilted the playing field to my advantage.

Or how about Lyn? Wow, he gets right to the point, and I quote, Deep Wealth Mastery is one of the best investments ever made because you'll get an ROI of a hundred times that. Anyone who doesn't go through this will lose millions. 

And as you're listening to these testimonials, are you wondering if you have the time? Are you even thinking that you've got this covered, you have the advisors or people in your network? Well, I got to tell you, these myths, they're often behind the 90 percent failure rate for liquidity events. Think about it. You have one chance to get it right for your financial freedom. You really want to make it count.

And when it comes to time, let's hear what William has to say. We just got in this testimonial, William says, and I quote, I didn't have the time for Deep Wealth Mastery. But I made the time and I'm glad I did. What I learned goes far beyond any other executive program or coach I've experienced. 

So what do you think?

As I [00:02:00] hear that, that's exactly what gets me out of bed every day. That's my mission. That's the team's mission here at Deep Wealth to literally change the social fabric of society. One business owner at a time, one liquidity event at a time, and my Deep Wealth Nation, what I want you to know, the Deep Wealth Mastery Program, it isn't theory.

It's from the trenches. It's the only one based on a nine figure deal. And that deal, that was my deal. You know my story. I said no to a seven figure offer. I created the system that later on, myself and my business partners, we said yes to a different buyer, a different offer, a nine figure deal. That's what we now call the Deep Wealth Mastery Program or the Scale For Ultimate Sales system.

It's built by business owners, for business owners, so if you're interested in growing your profits for preparing for a future liquidity event, and that may be two years away, it could be 22 years away, whatever the time may be, you want to do this now, and you want to optimize your post exit life, Deep Wealth Mastery is for you.

To get started, email [00:03:00] success at deepwealth. com. Again, that's success. S U C C E S S at DeepWealth. com. You'll receive all the information about the Deep Wealth Mastery Program or better yet, why not hop on a complimentary strategy call.

We'll go through exactly where your business is today and what's standing between you and your financial independence and your dreams. So that's where you want to be. You want to be with other successful business owners, entrepreneurs, and founders, just like you they're looking to grow their businesses, create markets.

Market disruptions and unlock their financial freedom to get what they deserve. And whether you've been in business for three years, 40 years, you're a startup, you're manufacturing you're in high tech, low tech, whatever the case may be, coming in and network with other business owners, it's a safe space.

It's a confidential space with business owners, with businesses just like you, because they all wanna lock in their financial freedom and enjoy both success and fulfillment. So again, the 90 Day Deep Wealth Mastery Program, it has your name on it. All you need to do is take the next [00:04:00] step. Please send an email to success at deepwealth. com.

Welcome to the Deep Wealth Podcast. I have a rhetorical question for you. You know me, I love my rhetorical questions. Would you love to know how the wealthy become ultra wealthy and how the ultra wealthy take it to the next level and stay there because it's not just about your business.

As you look towards your wall, there's other things that you can be doing at the same time to get you there. And that's all about what we're going to be talking about on today's episode with our very special guests. So Philip, welcome to the Deep Wealth Podcast, an absolute pleasure and delight to have you with us.

And I'm curious, Philip, there's always a story behind the story. What's your story? What got you from where you were to where you are today?

Philip Chan: Wow. First and foremost, thank you so much, Jeff. And, for me, my story really comes from finding fulfillment in the career path that I thought I was going to have happiness in, I've always been wanting to forge my own path. And, when I explored the medical field and decided, becoming either a plastics, orthopedic or cardiothoracic [00:05:00] surgeon was going to be my thing, I really went into it thinking that I would have my life set as traditional advice and traditional culture says.

However, as I became more and more immersed in the medical field, what I realized was, yes, I could be making half a million dollars plus minus as a guaranteed annual salary. But the exchange is I would be stuck in the OR rooms pretty much all day, every day. And you know, initially the hands on appeal really, really, you know, appealed appeal to me as well, right

because I've been an athlete my whole life, a basketball player, Jayhawk raised in Kansas, so to speak. But really, when I saw what my sister had went through as well, she heard being a child neurologist, a graduate from KU Med and all my fellow social circle going through that same environment.

You know, For me, I've always had this business personality coming from Hong Kong. And naturally, when you have to study for hours and hours, it diminished my business personality. That was one of those biggest pain points that I realized, this is not going to work out, man.

The only time I actually got to [00:06:00] talk to someone, Jeff, Was when I would take a break or to get Starbucks or when I would go take food breaks, because the mock MCAT is like eight hours now with the new exam. So anyways, I knew that for me, I had to pivot into entrepreneurship to find time, location, and financial freedom for myself.

I also have my own goals and dreams and wanting to own an NBA team someday. And that requires at least several billion dollars, so, having a surge in salary was not going to get it done.

Jeffrey Feldberg: I love those lofty aspirations that you had. And let me ask you this before we jump into what you're doing and how you're helping others and the system that you've come up with. It must have been a really bold move because it sounds like within your family, within your circles, they're going along this expected path, which education, something in the medical field, doctors, surgeons, whatever the case may be.

And you began to go down that path, but you were smart enough to say, hey, Great for the family, perhaps not so great for me. So what was that like internally? And the reason I ask that so many of our listeners have [00:07:00] these superpowers, but oftentimes it's family or societal pressures were held back from that.

Jeffrey, be a good boy and go become this profession or that profession, not an entrepreneur. So what was it like for you, that journey and any insights that you can share with our listeners?

Philip Chan: yeah, no I love that you pointed that out. First and foremost, I've always been known to forge my own path despite whatever anyone else says. Growing up in the city of international commerce, which is Hong Kong, I was supposed to actually take over my dad's accounting firm. And, for me, I'm a city boy that loves the suburbs.

So, one, I didn't want to wake up in the city. And two, I didn't want to wake up and do people's taxes. And that's when, when my dad was like, okay, kiddo what do you want to do? I said, I have no clue, but let me explore the medical field. And at the time being a surgeon was the thing that resonated with me.

They were obviously supportive of that. However, as I journeyed on it, also another side of it too, and you're hitting it on the nail. It kind of became more like their decision more so than my decision. And so, yeah, it was tough. I mean, we went [00:08:00] through this, family tug of war between medicine and entrepreneurship because, I'm the youngest of the family and my, older sister, she's the middle child of the family.

She's a child neurologist and so she had done it, so it was like, hey, your sister could do it and you're the son why can't you go handle the business, but of course, it was tough because ultimately, my personal goals and dream as I wanted to exit medicine was To own an NBA team.

And that also is very contradictory to, traditional norms and being an outlier. So yeah, lots of late night phone calls back and forth with the family. And but ultimately I said, hey, look, you got to trust that I have skills and capabilities, that I'm not just going to wing it.

I have a strategy. I'm going to go after mentors. And that, from what you have seen as a young kid, I will make this work, so I had to kind of present my case and whether they liked it or not, it was going to happen.

Jeffrey Feldberg: And what I love about that, Philip, for our listeners as well, [00:09:00] you created a narrative for yourself that you controlled and it was of the mindset that's benefiting you. Hey, I'm not going to wing it, have some faith, have some trust in me. I'm going to look into this. I will find a way to have this work, even when it looks like it's not going to.

And what I really value about these podcast opportunities, Philip, we're taking your lifetime journey. And in a very short period of time, we're distilling what worked, what didn't work to save the heavy lifting for our listeners and also the system that you created. So why don't you tell us, how did you get to where you now are?

So you have the stream here. I'm going to own this NBA team. I'm not going to be the standard. Accountant or doctor, no offense to the medical community or the accounting community or all the financial professionals, just not for me. And so now you went about on your journey and you learned a lot. So what is it now that you're doing exactly with the Ultra wealthy and taking that and offline.

I said, geez, Philip, it sounds like you're the Robin Hood. You're taking these principles, these best practices, these strategies that [00:10:00] only a very few people know, and you're now sharing it with everyone else. So what's that all about?

Philip Chan: no, absolutely. And I just want to preface, before I jump into it, it wasn't like, hey, it happened overnight, so, the number one thing that's really accelerated my success and journey, so to speak, I feel like I'm so far away from being successful. It's a constant, a one step at a time type of thing and a constant pursuit of excellence.

But really it's relationships, because Jeffrey, no matter what business we are involved in, Doctor, lawyer, engineer, restaurant owner automotive repair, that is just a vehicle of business, but I think, one of the things that really clicked for me was when I recognized that at the end of the day, we are all in the people business, right

because when you shake hands with Apple, when you shake hands with Nike, or you shake hands with IBM, you're not doing business with the entity, you're doing business with the individual representing the entity, and also, the entity is always just an extension of the person. So I really made a point to go after mentors and relationships that would [00:11:00] align with my goals and dreams that would want to help me, of course, I had to pay the price whether that be You know, in the form of time money or energy, and I had to do that for a while, so, I gathered a lot of skill sets as well, so relationships and being a high income capability gatherer, so to speak, I went after all things business and leadership development I became a John Maxwell certified leadership coach.

I networked in the highest caliber rooms I possibly could to position myself for success and that's This is where one of the most life changing moments happened for me when I ran into my current business partner now, who's been managing a hedge fund for the past 15 years, but more importantly, he himself is a gentleman born and raised in London, a former internal medicine physician who did not find fulfillment in the medical field.

So as you can see, there was multiple layers to help reinforce the relationship. We did not find fulfillment in the medical field, both city boys, international business. So we just clicked, he was the last [00:12:00] person that I had a conversation with, spoke for about an hour and a half, and finally walked out of the event together.

So I just want to preface before I go into what we're doing now, like that is how it all happened, in a very compressed manner,

Jeffrey Feldberg: Absolutely. And that's really the benefit, whether it's you sharing your journal with myself on this podcast or we pick up a book and it's a person's lifetime journey within a few hours that we get to pick that up. And for our listeners, of course, Philip, this wasn't, oh, I'm going to wake up one day and boom, the system just landed.

Lots of trial and error, lots of time, lots of invested capital, things that didn't work, things that did work, continuing on more of what does work. So why don't we start with this? When it comes to the ultra wealthy and whether they were an entrepreneur, or in this case, as you're sharing someone in the medical profession, What are they doing?

What are the ultra wealthy doing that everyone else is not doing? In other words, what do they know that we don't know when it comes to investing?

Philip Chan: so funny. It's like the paradox of success, first and foremost, it's the attitude, that they're willing to [00:13:00] constantly learn. They're constantly investing in themselves. They're willing to pay the price, to not just, go network, but actually fly out of their local areas.

And that's what I had to do, for me, one of my mentors that I witnessed was when I saw Grant Cardone go from a non billionaire to a billionaire, so, I've been around the Tenex community. For a while, since 2017, and that's actually where I met my business partner, because Temex is very known to host high caliber events, right

but of course, from 2017, when I was doing my master's and working part time at the Kansas City Orthopaedic Institute's urgent care department, I went through like 20 different mentors before I shrunk it down to the top three to five, when I saw Grant Cardone become a, from, go from a non billionaire to a billionaire, that's when I was like, okay I'm going to really pay attention.

To this specific dude and his community, because that's what made the most sense. Success leaves clues, so my top three is Grant Cardone, John Maxwell, and Alex Ramosi, and that's who I kind of get influenced by. So my inputs are always getting no matter what, I'm always getting [00:14:00] fed by success.

For people who's done it, I mean, even at my early start, would binge watch Shark Tank just to hang out with Mark Cuban indirectly, because he was a billionaire on an NBA team, first and foremost, they have a great attitude to learn, invest in yourself, then enhancing your own business acumen, going after high income skill sets that will pay you well, and growing and scaling those high income skill sets, right

and then, of course, being willing. To network and shake hands and meet people, and also, it's not that simple you don't just shake hands and be like, hey, you want to do business together, you have to have something to bring to the table. See, I always call that a proposal announcement.

Jeffrey, if I wanted something from you I'm gonna, it's like when you write an essay, I'm gonna write a thesis, but what are my supporting evidence and paragraphs? So, proposing something, but announcing it in a way where it's hey, here's what I'm going to do, here's what I would like to do with you, but here's how I'm going to back it up.

Jeffrey Feldberg: Exactly. And what's really nice about this, you didn't speak to people or find people as mentors who it was [00:15:00] generational wealth, nothing wrong with generational wealth. And if you're in that situation, terrific for you, but you found people who actually started some of the people that you're mentioning, I know their stories.

And wow, they weren't middle class. They were, if I can use the word, poor or economically challenged. And it wasn't given to them. They had to find the way to get that. And it's a terrific point that you're bringing about now, Phillip. When we're looking for people to mentor us, we don't have to know them personally.

We can watch them perhaps on documentaries or on shows or read their books, see what's going on, listen to audio books and really learn from them. So you started to do that. You picked mentors. You pick mentors that went down the path that you're now going down and they got to where you want to go. And so that helps set the way.

So you mentioned that mindset is one really important factor about the ultra wealthy. They have a different mindset, perhaps, than social programming and everyone else. Were there other attributes or characteristics that you're seeing of the ultra wealthy of what they're doing that everyone else seems to be missing or not knowing?

Philip Chan: It's really funny. The mindset is like [00:16:00] 90 percent of it. I mean, I was just in Phoenix for the nine figure boardroom, and I had the pleasure of next to a billionaire, and so, he tells his story, and, when you hear enough stories, certain point, you find, even though they come from different backgrounds, there's a commonality to it, right

and so I don't, want to say, oh, about thinking toughing it out, but it's about having a strong mindset and then also executing. And being resilient when you get feedback from your actions, like on the basketball court, it's so easy to put up 10 shots, like literally within a minute, I could have 10 reps, but in business, you have to realize there's a lag phase because one rep in business, let's just say a sales call, that could be a 15 minute call or that could be 30 minutes, right

like I said, in basketball, one rep is literally one second, to get your shot off. So, recognizing that in order for you to become great, you have to be willing to put repetitions in and apply that knowledge that you're learning, and then being willing to, be resilient and no matter if it worked or it didn't work, continue to go [00:17:00] down the path, and then seek guidance and make adjustments but the toughest part is realizing that it's probably going to take longer, you Then you initially thought it would,

Jeffrey Feldberg: So it's taking longer. You're learning what works, what doesn't work. Hey, it's the journey and the journey that's where it's at is not the end goal and is enjoying the journey as the saying goes. So Philip, you're going down your path here, your own journey now, and ultimately you end up at light speed investing.

So talk to us, what's that doing? Because you took your journey, you took your passion. You put it towards yourself and now you're helping others do the same. So if I'm coming to you at Lightspeed Investing, okay, Philip, here I am. I heard you on the Deep Wealth Podcast. I'm a business owner. Help me really accelerate my wealth, my financial freedom and independence.

Let me get a little bit quicker. What does that look like? What's the secret sauce?

Philip Chan: I love that. So first and foremost, what we would do is we would teach you the skill sets that we have been utilizing to manage money successfully for high net worth individuals [00:18:00] in the past 15 years. So we have a proprietary trading education system where we actually unveil how we manage money.

And again, it's based on a skill set. So the markets that we trade, Jeff, is under alternative investments, specifically under derivatives, and we're subject matter experts in the futures and commodity financial markets. So how we would help you first and foremost, is we would expose you to this game, to this universe, and give you a lot of background information that you would not be privy to, right

and that's why we're so passionate about doing this, because unless you're someone who is heavily immersed, And the financial districts of the world, like the New York Stock Exchange, or the Chicago Merchant Tower Exchange up in Chicago, you would not be privy to this information, you have to realize, 70 percent of our methodology comes from the legend, billionaire, natural gas trader, John Arnold.

John R. Arnold, after graduating from Vanderbilt, was able to take 1. 5 million to 1. 5 billion in two and a half [00:19:00] years, allowing him to become one of the youngest billionaires in the U. S. at age 33, back in 07. And of course, since we represent a group of medical professionals, we've added additional prudence.

Professionalism and ethics on top of Arnold's methodologies. So basically, in a very compressed manner, how we help business owners is we would teach you the skill set where you can have a supplemental income to grow and scale your business without relying on sales. As you know, Jeff, sales is the lifeblood of all businesses.

Sales is very important and, in business, it's natural to have certain down months in the business cycle as well. This game that we're talking about is a 90 percent margin game, where if you learn, the five to seven proprietary factors that we have identified you will no longer go into the markets with apprehension because you're going to be able to go into it with confidence, retail traders lose money because they have no fricking clue what's going on. As a matter of [00:20:00] fact, they approach the markets almost like they're gambling because they don't know what's going on, and that's why most of them lose money. So this is a great way for business owners to leverage a tool and a skill set at 90 percent margins, because the only overhead is your internet connection, your electricity bill, the computer in front of you, and the brokerage you're trading in front of, right

this is not brick and mortar. And we're not spending five to eight hours in front of the screens, Jeff, this is being surgically precise. I'm talking about half an hour to an hour and a half, high frequency, short term investing. And so, so most people, when it comes to investing, you have three segments.

You have the initial barrier to entry or the initial investment required. You have the runway, or time required to see profits, and then the actual ROI. So let's talk about real estate, for example, in real estate, let's say you put 20 percent down payment, okay, in the form of maybe 25K, 50K, or 100K.

There's your initial investment required or barrier to entry. The runway is three to five years, typically [00:21:00] for it, for your investment to break even and become profitable. Your ROI is an annual basis, 8 to 12%, 15 if you're lucky, the skill set that we teach. Allows you to take advantage of these markets, like your own personalized ATM machine, because we're talking about 8 12 percent in a day.

Jeffrey Feldberg: And so Phillip, as you're talking about this, I mean, it sounds really exciting. I suspect though, as with anything else, some people are better suited to this than other people. So let's talk with who would this not be for, generally speaking, characteristic wise, who shouldn't think about this that, Hey, probably not where you want to be.

You're not necessarily cut out for this. Stop before you even start. What would that look like? And then we're going to go

Philip Chan: I love that you're asking me that question. Definitely don't, entertain this if you're looking for a get rich quick way of making money. Don't look into this if you're not willing to commit to learning something. Don't look into this if you're not willing to put the time in, to better your life and your [00:22:00] family.

you're someone that's just looking for a one off, way to go, oh, you know, can I create wealth but not put the work in, then this is definitely not the conversation. Because as amazing compelling as this game is, as all things, it, it is a skillset and we can teach you that skillset, but it's gotta be a two way street.

If I am the world's greatest basketball coach and Phil Jackson, and you're supposed to be Michael Jordan, but you're not willing to come into the gym and, put the reps in and, and go to work together, how are we gonna ever win a championship?

Jeffrey Feldberg: So so many other things in life, it's practice, it's time, it's investing, it's making the time. Hey, I'm busy, but I'm going to make the time to do this. That's part of what you're looking for. And so on the flip side of that, who would really excel in this? Because I can imagine some entrepreneurs, some people in the Deep Wealth community saying, Hey, Phillip, I hear you, but wow, my business, I am flat out.

That's all I have time for. The business is doing pretty well. It's actually growing and next year will be even better than this year. What would you [00:23:00] say to that person and to the people listening of, I'm just so busy in the business? What does that look like for them in your experience?

Philip Chan: Well, Listen, if you're a busy business owner, that's actually why we have certain strategies, to help you go around this. So, for example, we can. Teach and train your team members, imagine the concept of a sales department, how can you ever close a deal without picking up the phone?

You first embrace leadership, and you become a great salesperson and closer and then you train someone and you have them become the sales manager of your company And then you have them train other people, so when you have a fleet of let's say 15 people You know, dialing for you, at that point, you no longer have to pick up the phone and actually close those deals.

Now, if it's a big deal, then yeah, you probably should be there. In the same sense, follow this concept, except replace the word sales department with internal trading department, so the people that would do really well is people who have a knack for pattern recognition. They are okay being in front of the screens for half an hour for an hour and a half, right

they are excited to [00:24:00] learn a skill set they know that as long as they focus on the inputs,

The outputs in the form of profits will come, okay? Because all things, money here is a byproduct. Money here is a byproduct of the skill set. Money here is a byproduct of how well are you entering in on the trades?

Are you entering in on momentum? Because you have to realize the markets in this specific case, you know, if you know what you're doing, not only can you make money when the markets go up, down, or sideways, but as a matter of fact, in futures and commodities, the markets go down 67 percent faster than when it goes up, okay?

So most people in the stocks Like back in 08, when, they had the market crash, they freak out because let's say Jeff, if you had a million dollars at the stock market at the time, your million dollars would also collapse, but in this case, if you know how to time your entries before the market got sorted, right

you're actually going to be in profit. When the market goes down, and that's what makes futures and [00:25:00] commodity such a special game. Now, there's some prudence that you gotta have in terms of being a bit more emotionally and psychologically stable, because and then that's why you want to follow a structured system where, phase one, our clients, they learn, and they absorb.

Phase two, they make sure they practice on a simulated environment, making sure that they have more winners than losers on a consistent basis before they ever transition to live, so you got to be disciplined because we can teach all these things, but at the end of the day, we're not next to you, in front of your computer.

And so if you want to toggle between simulated and live, and not follow our advice and guidance, that's hard to become successful. So, people who are willing to be disciplined or coachable have a knack of pattern recognition. They don't mind being in front of the screens for half an hour to an hour and a half.

People who are too busy, once they see that this makes sense, this could be a great

[00:26:00] We can have a conversation where we don't have to train the busy business owner, we can train team members that are suited for this. And of course, for a lot of our existing clients, we also have an automated software, that helps them with their trades, so I talk about John Arnold, who is the legendary natural gas billionaire trader in terms of our manual skillset, but we also follow James Simmons.

Who only entered this game when he was in his 70s and he's currently in his 80s, and haven't been in this game for about, a decade and a half or so, he's amassed a net worth of 20 billion and more, and the reason for that is because he is one of the pioneers In automated software trading that's actually work. So, for us, we're basically trying to be a hybrid of both John Arnold and James Simmons, for that reason.

Jeffrey Feldberg: hmm. Terrific. So you're taking best practices of what's worked for people that have really broken through and have made a difference. Now Philip, I want to go back to something that you said earlier, [00:27:00] because for the listeners who may be hearing this for the first time, this is a new world for them. When they think of trading, when they think of derivatives, when they think of all these other things out there, the word gambling or risk comes in mind.

That's the exact opposite though, which for many was probably surprising because they said this is not gambling, gambling is just going out in the stock market and picking this or picking that. So for those listeners, they're hearing this for the first time, they're saying, wow, it's not gambling, I never really thought of it that way.

What's going on with that and your system, Philip, why specifically this is not gambling? And I'll preface this by saying this is not financial advice, what we're talking about here. Of course, everyone who's listening to this podcast, they should check with their advisors and their professionals for what we're talking about.

But from your side, what would you say to that listener saying, wow, Philip, it's not gambling. How's this not gambling? 

How's this not risky? 

Philip Chan: I'm so glad you brought that up. That is a really astute question, Jeff. Because what you have to recognize is there's two sets of investments, on the left side, you have traditional assets and investments like [00:28:00] stocks, real estate colleges, mutual Funds, et cetera.

And where we are specifically is on the side, alternative investments under derivatives. We're in the same neighborhoods as cryptocurrency, art, luxury timepieces, et cetera. Now the difference that denotes the two is that on the left side, you follow more so what we call fundamental analysis.

Fundamental analysis states that yes, global economic trends matter. Interrelatability of markets matter Jeff, if you were to pick the stock Apple, Tesla, or Nike, and you say, I think it's going to go up, it's speculative in the sense that you are saying, hey, I think this company is going to do well, so I'm going to invest in it, right

but the difference here is, you're not the CEO, and you're not the executive running the company. It's speculative. You're saying, from my research and due diligence, Okay, from a fundamental analysis standpoint, I think this is a good bet, in the game that we play on the side here, it's under technical analysis, which means for you to become successful, everything [00:29:00] you need is in front of you with the charts themselves, right

it's just simply about identifying five to seven proprietary factors, and following those five seven factors. Only when they are in confluence, when they are aligned, do you enter in a trade, so that's the difference. This is a game based off of pattern recognition in the form of technical analysis.

Everything that you need to be successful is in the charts in front of you. And also if you want to do your due diligence, this is something that was super mind blowing to me. , like for me right, I'm going to talk about my own personal experience. If you didn't study medicine Right, as you know, there's a lot of rigor in doing that.

If you didn't study college textbooks, but you studied the world's greatest, you studied the world's wealthy, you studied, Forbes, you will find that page after page, after the top 10 wealthiest of the world, so to speak. Our hedge fund managers, traders, who play this game for a living.

As a matter of fact, the world's top 42 [00:30:00] percent play this game for a living. And so, you know, of course, success leaves clues. So if you study people like John Arnold, study people like James Simmons, you would get more and more clues. And so that's essentially what we've done, is we've crafted this system that allows us to take advantage of these factors that we're talking about, right

Well, so what are these factors, right? because it sounds so mysterious. Well, First and foremost, at the very basics, you have candlestick pattern recognition. Associated with proprietary indicators like buying and selling dots that we have implemented on our trading education platform, as well as specific algorithm numbers, right

because the movement of the markets hits certain algorithm numbers, they tend to do certain things. There's also specific reversal times. Where you could literally just trade all of those reversal times, again, the name is reversal time. So you know, when it hits these certain times, the market's going to reverse, right

this is something that's took us over a decade to figure out as well, so I mean, just right there, that's the four factor, the fifth [00:31:00] factor will be support and resistance, the sixth is volume, and then of course the seventh one is your moving averages, we have three specific moving averages that we pay attention to.

And then, you know, if you want to throw a number eight in there, comparing and contrasting charts at different minute time frames, the one minute, two minute, five minute, 30 minute in the daily. So I mean, there is a lot of, obviously, science that goes into it that we've crafted, but that's what makes it different.

That's the science of takes the uncertainty and randomness out of your natural I guess your retail trading mentality.

Jeffrey Feldberg: Absolutely. So instead of trying this on your own, or you read a great book or an article, here you are, you've taken the science, you've combined it with the technology. There's a certain methodology that you've put into this. And really, that's where the heavy lifting for the listener is that you've done that for them because now they can come along, learn the system, leverage the technology, and then apply it for their particular situation.

How am I doing with that, Philip?

Philip Chan: Yeah, I mean, you're pretty [00:32:00] much spot on with that. Absolutely.

Jeffrey Feldberg: And in terms of some success stories, if you look to the community that you have, again, without going into confidentiality or naming names, are there some stories or some situations that, hey, this person came here and this is where they were, and now here's where they're at?

Philip Chan: Tons. I mean, this is another reason why we're so passionate about pushing our educational division. Because you know, for the past 15 years, we've been managing money for high net worth individuals, helping them take five million to six, seven, or eight, we get a little thank you, a pat on the back, right

but when we have clients, who were struggling to make five grand a month, We're now able to make five grand a day, it's totally life changing. Now, I just want to recognize everyone starts at different phases. So, when you come in, you have certain personal financial goals that you want to hit.

This is a game that can be scalable. So, you have to know, okay, first and foremost, you practice on simulated, making sure you have more winners than losers consistently. And when you go live, you focus on making a couple hundred dollars first, there's 20 trading days. In a [00:33:00] month, even making a hundred dollars a day times 20, right

that's a pretty good amount to start with. But of course, you want to scale that. So maybe now you take it to 500 a day, multiply that by 20, and then you, you go a grand a day, multiply that by 20, and then you scale that grand to three grand to five grand. And so one of our clients, he was a real estate investor making about 60, 000 a year who started with us.

As a matter of fact, about a year ago in March it took him about, you know, five to eight months to get to where he is now. But you have to realize, he was able to scale the skillset to 10 and 15 contracts a day, so when you're trading 10 to 15 contracts per trading day, that equates to 10 to 15, 000 a day if you're doing it right.

Okay. And so 10 a day multiplied by 20. That's on, average, 200, 000 per month. Now, my sister, she's a child neurologist. She makes about 250, 000 as a private practice physician. And [00:34:00] that took her, what's the runway, a decade plus to go through med school, residency, fellowship, and And so, this gentleman that I'm talking about, it took him about five to eight months to scale the skill set to 10 to 15 contracts. But, you know, he's averaging 200k per month if he traded all 20 training days.

Jeffrey Feldberg: Interesting. And as you're going through that, I love how in the beginning, you said, it's not just taking the system and then with real money, you're going out there and trying it out. You're what some people call paper trading, or in this case, it's electronic trading. It's not costing a penny, but it's like you're in the market.

You're seeing how you're doing. You're perfecting your craft, perfecting your trade. And then when you're ready, when it's prime time. Then you're ready to go out. So Philip, what's interesting about this, because in the Deep Wealth community, in our Deep Wealth Mastery Program, we're focusing on three things.

How do you grow your profits? How do you increase your enterprise value? And then how do you optimize your post exit life? Before it actually happens. Now for some entrepreneurs, some business owners, they [00:35:00] love growing their portfolios about trading and stocks. And even when they have a very successful exit well, Hey, that's terrific.

The business is the old chapter, my new chapter, even though I don't have to do anything. I could be on a beach all day long. My next chapter is going to be, I'm going to be trading. I'm going to be managing and investing my newfound wealth, my portfolio. What's nice about this, Phillip, as we're growing the business, for those that are inclined, this is another skillset.

That they can add right now, and then as the business ramps up, as they go into an exit, this can be ramping up at the same time, and they can continue this if this is what brings them joy and fulfillment. So there's a lot that we've really been going through here. Let me ask you this, before we go into wrap up mode, out of every episode, wherever possible, we look for the low hanging fruit.

It's one action that we can take that can really give us a very high ROI, because let's face it. After this episode, our listeners are going into the next meeting or the next activity or call, and sadly, we'll be out of sight, out of mind. [00:36:00] So before that happens, we've talked about a lot, and this may be a tough question for you.

What would be one thing that you've spoken about that if they just did this before going on to the next activity, could make all the difference for them, would have a high ROI?

Philip Chan: That's such a great question, Jeff. What I would say is do your due diligence and look up John Arnold and look up James Simmons. Because if you did that, you would really be able to get some insights into how these individuals are able to create wealth, and of course, feel free to message me on LinkedIn.

You can find me at Philip J. Hawk Chan because when you message me saying you come from the Deep Wealth Podcast, what I'll make sure to do is gift you a complimentary access to our paid client sessions, because on a weekly basis, Jeff, we actually host these paid client sessions where we break Futures and Commodity Financial Markets in the Evenings, explaining how things happen and why they happen.

In the mornings, we go live, we prove what we teach, and we actually make money in front [00:37:00] of you by showing you our trades. That's one of the things that separate us and makes us so different because we actually prove what we teach. So if you want to find me on LinkedIn, shoot me a message. Again, I'm Philip J.

Hawk Chan. And yeah, that would be a great start. We can send you additional more information that way on top of googling John Arnold and James Simmons.

Jeffrey Feldberg: That's terrific. And in the show notes, we'll have how to get in touch with you. It'll be a point and click. It doesn't get any easier for our listeners. Did you hear what Phillip is saying? They eat what they bake. So it's not just about here, go do this. We're going to make money off of you. Hey, this is what we're doing.

See it in action. See what's going on. And it's terrific, Phillip, that you're really having what at Deep Wealth we call mastermind sessions, live mastermind sessions. See what's going on. Practice your craft, your trade, improve it, see how we're doing it. And we put that all together and we're going to put that on hold for just a moment, we're going to come back to that momentarily, but as we go into what's really a perfect segue now into the wrap up mode, it's a ritual, it's a tradition here on the Deep Wealth Podcast, Phillip, where I have the [00:38:00] privilege, the honor of asking the same question to every guest.

Here it is. Let me set this up for you. It's a fun one. When you think of the movie Back to the Future, you have that magical DeLorean car that will take you to any point in time. So imagine now, Philip, it's the fun part. It's tomorrow morning, you're looking outside your window. Not only is the DeLorean car curbside, the door is open, it's waiting for you to hop on in, which you do, and you're now going to go to any point in your life.

Philip, as a young child, a teenager, whatever point in time that would be, what are you telling your younger self in terms of life lessons or life wisdom? Or hey, Philip, do this, but don't do that. What would it sound like?

Philip Chan: Wow, Jeff, that is amazing. I would go back to my younger self, probably in Hong Kong. And say, hey, you are destined for greatness when you leave for America, just know that everything that you will go through, is meant to stack as long as you're willing to work hard and be open minded and embrace relationships as [00:39:00] the number one accelerator of your success in life.

I would say, when I was younger I, I knew that, but I didn't believe in it as much. I didn't see it as clearly as much, being surgically trained we always have a saying in the medical field, which is you take pride in being able to do three to five people's worth of work in a day, right

oh, I don't need, someone. I don't need a team. So I would go back to my younger self and say, hey, you know, you want to go fast, go alone. But if you want to go far, go together, and so I would probably go back in time and Advise my younger self to embrace relationships more, 

Jeffrey Feldberg: that's terrific advice. And I'm just thinking about that. Be open minded, embrace relationships, know that you're destined for greatness. What a terrific way to cap things off and really send the listeners out with a wonderful narrative that we can be telling ourselves. And Phillip, it's terrific what you shared of how you've taken what the wealthy, the ultra wealthy are doing, you're now making this accessible to [00:40:00] everyone.

And it's really a wonderful avenue as entrepreneurs, founders, leaders, we begin to expand our worlds and our skill sets and what we're doing to really make a difference out there. So on that, Philip, it's official. It's a wrap. You are terrific. Thank you so much. Congratulations. And as we love to say here at Deep Wealth, may you continue to thrive and prosper while you remain healthy and safe.

And for our listeners out there, before we hand it back over to Philip, remember, please go to the show notes. It's a point and click. Get in touch with Philip. And ask them to invite you to the sessions. You can see firsthand, real time, what's going on, what a gift, what a treat. Phillip, thank you so much.

It's been terrific to have you.

Philip Chan: Thank you so much. I really, I love that Delorean question, man. That was amazing. And for the listeners out there, because this was such a great time with Jeff, feel free to book a call with our team. When you book a call, you will secure two weeks worth of complimentary access to our paid client sessions that will allow you to be more exposed to this great universe.

Of [00:41:00] trading, short term investing, where you can leverage these markets like your own personalized ATM machine. And the last thing that I would have to say, Jeff, is it's not just about relationships, but the relationships.

Jeffrey Feldberg: Terrific. Relationships. And speaking of the right relationships, they can start off by booking a call with the team, getting all that right. it'll be all in the show notes. It won't be any easier. It's a point and click. Absolutely. Phillip, again, thank you so much. It's been wonderful to have you.

Philip Chan: Thank you. Appreciate you. 

Jeffrey Feldberg: So there you have it, Deep Wealth Nation. What did you think? So with all that said and as we wrap it up, I have another question for you.

Actually, it's more of a personal favor. Did you find this episode helpful? Have you found other episodes of the Deep Wealth Podcast empowering and a game changer for your journey? And if you said yes, and I really hope you did, I have a small but really meaningful way that you can actually help us out and keep these episodes coming to you.

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So all that said. Thank you so much for listening. And remember your wealth isn't just about the money in the bank. It's about the depth of your journey and the impact that you're creating. So let's continue this journey together. And from the bottom of my heart, thank you so much for listening to this episode.

And as we love to say here at Deep Wealth, may you continue to thrive and prosper while you remain healthy and safe. Thank you so much. God bless.