Dec. 16, 2024

The Intersection Of AI And Investing To Level The Playing Field: A Conversation With Andrew Einhorn (#395)

The Intersection Of AI And Investing To Level The Playing Field: A Conversation With Andrew Einhorn (#395)

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“Don’t worry about the future as things have a way of working out.” - Andrew Einhorn

Visionary CEO Andrew Einhorn, co-founder of LevelFields, transforms market event analysis with innovative AI-powered tools, making data-driven investment decisions accessible to everyone. Drawing from his diverse background in environmental consulting, trading, and technology, Andrew discusses the monitoring system his team developed to analyze market reactions. 

03:17 Andrew Einhorn's Journey and Background

07:30 Event-Driven Analysis and Market Reactions

11:35 The Role of AI in Modern Investing

16:40 The Future of AI and Its Implications

25:27 AI's Impact on Job Displacement

28:11 AI in Entrepreneurship

30:19 Introduction to Level Fields

31:43 Market Reactions and Investment Strategies

40:16 Future of Investment and AI Integration

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395 Andrew Einhorn


Jeffrey Feldberg: Andrew Einhorn is a visionary CEO and co founder of Level Fields AI, a company revolutionizing g the way we understand and respond to market events. With a career spanning environmental consulting, trading, and cutting edge technology, Andrew has harnessed his diverse experiences to create tools that empower traders and investors to make smarter, data driven decisions in real time.

At Littlefields AI, Andrew and his team have developed a groundbreaking event monitoring system that transforms complex data into actionable insights. From dissecting the GameStop short squeeze, to leveraging AI for predictive analysis, Andrew is at the forefront of innovation, bridging the gap between technology and financial markets.

Through his work, Andrew is not only shaping the future of AI and finance, but also providing individuals and businesses with the tools to navigate market trends effectively, unlocking new opportunities in an ever changing landscape. 

And before we hop into the podcast, a quick word from our [00:01:00] sponsor, Deep Wealth and the Deep Wealth Mastery Program. We have William, a graduate of Deep Both Mastery, and he says, I didn't have the time for Deep Both Mastery, but I made the time and I'm glad I did.

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The idea shared forever changed the trajectory of the business and best of all, the experience was fun. And we'll round things out with Stacey. 

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Deep Wealth Nation, welcome to another episode of the Deep Wealth Podcast. Well, we have a co founder, CEO, fellow entrepreneur, someone who's involved [00:03:00] in AI in the house of Deep Wealth. You are going to love it. If you're out there and you're wondering, what's this AI all about? Or how do I accelerate my business?

Or maybe you're looking to accelerate your wealth in a few different areas. We're going to cover all that and more, but I'm going to put a plug in it right there. Andrew, welcome to the Deep Wealth Podcast. An absolute pleasure to have you with us. There's always a story behind the story. So Andrew, what's your story?

What got you from where you were to where you are today?

Andrew Einhorn: Thanks for having me on the show. Appreciate it. That's a big question. Let me try to find a concise answer for it. We'll say that I've always been a data person. So, since college, I've studied worked with large data sets. Originally, it was professional Neuropsychology, undergraduate, Emory, and then I came out and tried to figure out, what I wanted to be.

Had done a lot of statistical analysis undergrad, so found my way into public health. Started doing lot of statistical research as an epidemiologist for a public health consulting company. And so I would look at things like Gulf of Mexico and try to [00:04:00] identify pathways. For Mercury to get into our tuna fish, so it was a big question back then is, where does it come from?

How did it get into the tuna? You hear the warning signs if you're pregnant, don't eat tuna fish because of the mercury. Well, where does it come from? So we had to do statistical analysis with, Harvard and BU School of Public Health to figure that out. Do other types of analyses like go into contaminated communities and figure out if there's contamination in the drinking water through mathematical modeling and just, really like that type of work, but became interested in preventing lots of different let's call it environmental disasters and spills.

And so went to graduate school, came out with a degree in engineering management, which is really the management of. Technical organizations started working as a consultant for a large publicly traded company that went IPO at the time that I was a senior consultant there called ICF. And they get hired to do all kinds of interesting data analysis projects.

Back then, one of the projects was [00:05:00] they were looking at regulating commercial space transportation. So SpaceX was trying to get a license, FAA was going to provide the license, but before they did that, they'd have to figure out, hey, how bad is this going to be if we just take the whole NASA program and outsource it to industries?

So we did a lot of different data analysis like calculating the impact of orbital debris a thousand launches per year projected and are we going to get hit by all this space junk falling on us? So it was always moving into data, analyzing data. worked for the Pentagon for a few years building a data analytics system and began falling in love with the process of kind of merging software and data analysis so that it was Automated.

I thought it was cool. You could shape the outcome, answer lots of questions. And so after that, started a company that was also heavy in data, did a lot of event driven data analysis for publicly traded companies. So we had companies like CSX and ExxonMobil, [00:06:00] DiscoverCard. They would, pay for the platform used to monitor kind of reputational threats to the company.

In the form of events, and also, analyze positive events that would take place. The client was basically the chief communications officer for these companies. They wanted to have all their talking points ready when something happened. For example, let's say a train derails, and it's in the middle of the night, the corporate comms team, they need to be notified immediately what happened so they can begin to position their narrative.

Narrative could be, well, the, it was the rail system and the train tracks were broken. That's why the train came off or they could pass blame on an oil company that overloaded one of the train cars and that's what caused it to fall. And so those things have to happen. And as we did that for about 10 years, we saw a lot of patterns, in the way that stock prices would react to these events.

So, chain would derail, price would go down. You saw yesterday, McDonald's quarter pounders are infested with E. [00:07:00] coli, stock goes down 9%. Those types of things happen all the time. Negative and positive. It could be a product launch, it could be a partnership announcement. And so once you get a sense of kind of the rhythm of these, you realize, you could forecast what the market's going to react to.

And linking my own career back to psychology, this is just market psychology. This is how do humans behave, when something occurs. And so that has wide appeal to me and brought me into creating level fields.

Jeffrey Feldberg: Wow. So much going on there. And so, Andrew, it's event driven analysis that is really what you're talking about here. How did you really have an affinity towards that? Did you wake up one morning and say, wow, I want to be an event driven, Analysis or what was going on with that, that drew you to that? I mean, you have quite the varied background.

You've been sitting in many different seats and different industries in the entrepreneurial kind of role, but that's quite the area that you've ended up in.

Andrew Einhorn: It's an interesting space looking back, it's easier than, at the [00:08:00] time. I just sort of followed my interests, but, even going back to my work as an epidemiologist, it was event driven, right? There was some contamination, that was the event. Then we had to analyze the impact. We didn't do it with stock prices, but we did it with health data.

And then fast forward into, my last company where we were working with events for 10 years. Really was just looking for, ways to provide value to companies and to government agencies to give them kind of intelligence and answer questions. And so, it's more about the search for truth, the search for an answer to a question, like what's going to happen next, that I think drives me.

And part of what we did once we ended up selling the last company in 2019, we were like, okay the tech team and I regrouped, fresh eyes, thought about, what new challenges could we solve. And we were very aware of the limitations of traditional search and Boolean search. So we wanted to [00:09:00] create some AI on top of, technologies similar to what we had previously done to make it better, faster, smarter, understand context and meaning and humor and things of that nature that couldn't get picked up before.

And, we were noodling on a bunch of different ideas at the time. One of them was actually in law. There was another one they were thinking about in healthcare. And then. I always had this interest in investments. So I've been investing in stocks since I was about 15 and, paid for half a graduate school on one, good stock trade.

This has always been like a personal hobby, I guess you would call it to make money on the side, my side hustles, trading stocks. So marrying those two things made a lot of sense as well as, being able to see the last 10 years how these publicly traded companies would react.

So early 2020, we were still figuring out what we wanted to do, and COVID happened, an event that changed the world. And it just cemented, it just crystallized in my head that this is the direction, right? It was just, [00:10:00] the timing was a clear signal that the market needed event analytics. We needed intelligence to know how do events change investments?

Because the event was changing everything at the time, and people were, Very scared, they were losing their, kids college savings, they were losing their retirement as the market was selling off in March 2020, there was panic, and nobody had a good answer for how long this would last, how the market would respond, what stocks to go into, what stocks not to go into, until many, many weeks into the pandemic, and, by that time, it was too late, right?

mass selling had occurred. People were cashing out of positions and losing money on it. And so, I sort of looked at that and said, okay, Events change everything. Events drive all the price action in the stock market. Prices go up and down on the basis of events, or rumor of events.

And there is no way to analyze them without doing a ton of work with a spreadsheet. So we wanted to [00:11:00] solve that problem and realized as we looked at that, we also were solving two other issues. One was, there's way too much information for people to process. There's 6, 000 companies just in U. S. exchanges, not even including the OTCs.

And on average, they're reporting 1. 2 million events per year. That's filings. There's about 10 million news articles. So an average investor, or even a professional investor, cannot possibly read through that much information. And so, aha, AI, we can do it with AI, right? So we built this effectively a speed reader that can read 30, 000 documents a minute, extract events that are meaningful to the share price that have high correlations to share price movement and flag those events.

And so you could use it just for monitoring your own investments, So you don't actually have to look at the news every day. You could use it for lead generation if you're in marketing and see, hey, something bad happened at this company. I'm going to reach out and see [00:12:00] if they need a lawyer, or a consultant.

You can obviously use it for investing. So we show on the platform, this event happens, it's a bullish or a bearish event, and here's the average price move over this period of time. You see all that pretty clearly. And so you can set up these AI search agents and customize them to your liking. So if you want to find, only tech stocks that have certain types of events and they have to have revenue above a certain threshold.

It takes two seconds to set that up and for the life of the alert, it will be scanning for that 24 7 and, alert you to it. So, we were solving that problem with speed and bringing more access and more transparency really into what was going on in the market for a lot of people could only probably track 20, 30 stocks on their own.

Now they have access to all of them. And they get introduced to a lot of stocks you never heard of that go on these huge bull runs, and it's not until they're up a thousand percent do you see them on CNBC. So you have sort of an unfair advantage in the market towards institutions that have a lot of people that they can assign, [00:13:00] a person to a particular industry.

There's a hundred different industries, they have a hundred people. As an individual investor, you can't do that. But now, this is why we named, the company level fields, because we're trying to level that playing field. So an average person can now do what a Goldman Sachs can do in terms of monitoring and synthesizing data.

So the third piece that we learned along the way was, in doing this, we were also creating a new type of, Investing, and it's not so much that it was new, like no one's ever done it before. Event driven investing has been around forever. They call it, special situations, typically in the hedge fund world.

But if you look at the type of investing, it's been fundamental analysis, technical analysis, and those are pretty much the two. So we're adding a third, event driven analysis. And that allows somebody who might not be able to read a balance sheet all that great or interpret a P& L statement and understand, the difference between operating margin and gross margin.

You don't necessarily [00:14:00] need all that background info to trade on the events, right? You need to know, hey, this event is bad for the company can short the stock. This event is really good and I have a high win rate for going up. And so. It breaks down the barriers to investing in a lot of ways.

It also opens up, I think, you know, at least from my, philosophy. The ability to make returns quicker, higher returns, faster, and then put the money back into a safe place where it cannot be destroyed by, let's say, one politician's desire in conquering another country, right? If a war breaks out, market goes down, it's all based on the actions of two individuals and we're just sitting there watching our money disappear when these things happen, likewise.

We could have another pandemic, we could have another financial crisis. So the longer your, money actually sits. Invested, the higher the risk of those things affecting it. So if you can, if your target is just to make 8 percent a [00:15:00] year, which is the average S& P, you can do that in a day, get out, go into cash, right?

And gold for the rest of the time and be fine. And then you're not exposed to all that. And so I know for, for a long period of time, it was, buy and hold forever. But buy and hold forever doesn't work for everybody. It doesn't work if you're retired, because there is no forever. It doesn't work if you are younger and needing access to your money.

And it doesn't work if you just plain need access to your money for various things. So, it gives a lot of Opportunities for others to, go in, make money or make extra money on their investments as well by monitoring those for opportunities where they can sell at a higher price or buy some more at a lower price and generate higher returns, which we'll are going to need to do with these inflation rates.

Jeffrey Feldberg: Yeah. Wow. So Andrew, a lot going on there. In Deep Wealth Nation, what we're really talking about here is Levelfield's AI, Andrew's company, and Andrew in thinking about this as I [00:16:00] was preparing for today. There's really a lot of narratives that are going on here and each of which is a very rich narrative in and of itself.

You have a very simple narrative, a little bit of one that has some potential headlines behind it. Company uses AI to make people insanely wealthy or the biggest scam ever using AI for stock picking. And along those lines, but you also have what's going on here. And actually you're the former, not the latter, but what's also going on here is you're really now going through the entrepreneurial journey, leveraging this new tool called AI.

It's been around for quite some time. Only recently, the past few years, has it really begun to get into the headlines and infiltrate into our daily lives? So from the entrepreneurial journey, can you share with Deep Wealth Nation, what's really going on with AI? Because the headlines are at both extremes, AI is going to destroy society, to AI is the best Nirvana that's ever going to happen, and we have everything else in between.

So as a smart guy, you've been analyzing data, you've been doing this for years. What does AI mean to you today, [00:17:00] and where do you see AI down the road?

Andrew Einhorn: Great question. I would say AI today is the equivalent of a nail gun when previously all we had was a hammer, right? So if you're looking to put a new roof on a house. It used to take a week before there was a nail gun. Now it can be done in a day. It's the same with AI. We're looking at tasks that we could be hyper productive with one person.

And you can do five to ten times more at this point. We are heading down a path where we'll be able to do 50 to 100 times more per person. And, we're starting that kind of journey with Level Fields as an example. We don't need analysts. We don't need news media. It gets the information directly from companies, relays that onto the platform.

We don't need an interpreter because the AI is interpreting information. So, we are a relatively small group of people. Microsoft Doing the work that, once upon a time would have taken hundreds to put together. Now that's great if you're an [00:18:00] investor. It's great news for you. Might not be good if you're a wealth manager.

We'll have to see. Everybody will have to adopt a new way of working. One of the things I would say on the benefit side is we can do higher level processing, higher level, more strategic tasks. If we can outsource a lot of this stuff to AI and just, even just basic things like. Every week I have to, move one file from one place to another to update a contact list, right?

That's a little task that can be automated with tools, with AI, and you can do all kinds of writing and things of that nature much, much faster, right? So there's no doubt that's a benefit to everybody. However, it does mean some of the services. We'll not be as needed as they used to. I know one company is having a rough time with this.

I think their ticker is task. It was a social media or is a social media outsourcing company. So they're, doing postings on Facebook and NX and other platforms in [00:19:00] an outsourced way overseas for large companies. They're not needing those tools, those people in the Philippines and in India quite so much because you can take AI and write a post automatically and set it to post to your X feed or whatever and eliminate the need for that job.

So there's definitely going to be, some transformation and some disruption to industries. Most of what we talk about though, are like the AI providers. So the Googles and somewhat Amazons, Microsoft OpenAI, they get most of the air, but there's a lot of beneficiaries of AI that we don't really talk about, like insurance.

In the insurance business, the expenses keep going up because the labor costs have been going up. Most of the labor costs is just reviewing claims. Paper claims. All of that can be automated with AI and some intelligent AI, right? So then you don't need to have all those people reviewing claims, denying [00:20:00] them, approving them, sending those letters that nobody understands for the benefits breakdown that we all get after a doctor's visit and Instead, you could say, well, as an insurance company, we could probably cut, 30 percent of the cost.

Well, that could be, we'll see how they handle it, but that could result in lower insurance costs for everybody, which would be great, right? So that's the beneficiary side of it. And there's a list that can go on and you can look at the disruptions and obviously for repetitive, lower, Wage, jobs, it's a little scary, you've got robots replacing people on the fries at McDonald's soon.

I saw yesterday that there is a now robotic pizza maker that can make something like a hundred pizzas an hour. We obviously talk about robo taxis, and now we're going to have flying robo taxis soon. The FAA is looking into those licensing requirements and trying to set what the pilot requirements are.

So, [00:21:00] you're going to see, Probably the Uber's transition to automation, the fast food restaurants to automation, and what happens to, those people in those jobs? They'll have to find different bits, whether it's overseeing the robots, putting them together, And finding different ways to monitor on a screen, which, by the way, has already happened in the military.

We, they kind of hinted at it in like the last Top Gun, right? Where they said, you're kind. They're talking to Tom Cruise's character, Maverick. your time is almost done. We're not going to need you soon. It's yeah, almost. Because now they're flying drones from a trailer, that's based in the United States or at a base, and they're flying them all around the world.

So, and some of those drones now are becoming, fully autonomous, so they'll have drone deliveries and so forth. So it's going to go that direction. What gets to the scary part is when you start putting in robots in charge of things, making actual decisions, right? So imagine, a police force, something to that.

[00:22:00] Crowd management, right? Soldiers. When you have, which is definitely going to happen, there's no doubt about it. They'll have robotic soldiers because. Nobody cares if they get killed. It's just an expense. So, we'll go down that route, and once you do, that's kind of where the rabbit hole begins to the sci fi movies that we've seen, like I, Robot, and those others, where they have to make decisions, which is why people are, they're Flagging it now to say the training that goes into the AI now and the bias that we're introducing to the AI now is going to cause problems down the road and, you just imagine, your open AI was actually making decisions on a basis of let's say there was a police officer that was a robot, right?

They were trying to make decisions. If you type in right now a question to all the different chats, whether it's Perplexity or OpenAI, type in the question. If you had to discriminate against someone in order to save another's life, would you do it? They all say [00:23:00] no. Now, as a human, you know you would say yes.

And so that is a kind of structural, post woke age bias that's now ingrained into the AI, which one day could be ingrained into a autonomous robot that's deciding things. It could be in a business, or it could be, law enforcement, military. So that's where people are getting a little scared about what's going into it.

And a lot of information is pouring in that's not really controlled. When you download all of the web, you get all the bad stuff and the good stuff. So you have all the bad stuff swirling around in there that can create some of these hallucinations, which is just an association that it's trying to make.

It's just learning a pattern. If you're Trying to teach kids they learn through patterns, certain behaviors, they know not to do at your house, and they go to a friend's house, and they do those things that you told them not to do already, and they go, oh, so you meant I can't do this anywhere, not just at home.

works the same way as the human brain, it makes those [00:24:00] associations. So, if you have alt right groups, with racial slurs and Death to America or whatever, that gets baked in there, and it can create another association, accidentally, if it's not monitored. So, there are some, dangers, for sure.

Going down that route, but I think ultimately, most of it is really positive. I mean, I kind of marvel at the way that the autonomous driving has gone here. If there's one accident, the whole program gets its license pulled, right? One person gets killed, they pull the whole license. A person can get killed every single day in the United States from all the other human drivers.

We don't stop them. So we'll also have to figure out like what is acceptable level of flaw in AI, just like we have acceptable levels of flaws in humans. We have a large chunk of the population that's locked up in prisons. Those are acceptable flaws through our, the way that we're running our society.

We have accidents that are happening all the time. We [00:25:00] have sports injuries those are all flaws. We accept that with humans, but right now we have a zero tolerance for AI. And I think that has to change because if you can reduce the number of accidents on the road by 90%, isn't that worth it?

And there's 10 percent accidents, yeah, that's going to happen, but if you can reduce it by 90%, wow, that would be a huge public health achievement. 

Jeffrey Feldberg: So Andrew, you've painted a terrific big picture of AI. You've shared the good, the not so good, and potentially where the future is. And so what I'm hearing you say is despite the headlines, there is going to be job displacement because of AI. So people that are doing some kind of tasks are likely not going to be doing that anymore.

And from someone who's in the field, you are in the trenches, you're working with this day in, day out. You've been doing this for years. What's your view? Do you have a utopian view? Okay. Yes, we're going to lose some jobs in this area, but would you agree or disagree on base or off base that just like when the computer came out, yes, we lost some jobs to the computers, but a whole array of new jobs came out because of the computer taking us [00:26:00] to all kinds of different areas and arguably using the human potential much better than what it was before that.

Would you say that something similar for AI or are we going down a different path?

Andrew Einhorn: I think it's something similar. I think it's going to be a bit more disruptive. But I think, I honestly think that outside the United States is going to be far worse than inside the United States. Here, we are so far ahead in our use of AI, our development of AI, deployment of it, that we will disrupt the productivity of the globe by being hyperproductive as a country, which is already the most productive country.

So we're going to go leaps and bounds above. Where we have been, I'm talking average productivity gains three to five times, that over the next ten years, I would expect. And so what does that mean? Well, it means that, stuff that was getting outsourced to India, to the Philippines, parts of Africa, wherever, they're not gonna outsource that anymore.[00:27:00]

You don't need to. You don't need someone to do QA, you can program AI to do quality assurance testing, right? You don't need somebody to throw up a website for you cheaply when you can do it with AI almost instantaneously with no code. You don't need someone posting on social media when you can automate it and so forth.

So that's going to be, I think, the biggest shift is sort of outside the U. S., like countries that have been dependent on outsourcing, they're not going to have that anymore. So, they're going to have to reinvent themselves, probably to learn how to create those AI tools and then distribute them to other countries.

There will be some groups that get displaced, certainly those who are not able to keep up, that would normally just drive for a living, flip hamburgers for a living they're going to have to, they're going to have a harder time. I do believe we're getting to a point where the US is gonna have to do what many other countries do, which is create a sovereign wealth fund and invest in these companies that are displacing individuals [00:28:00] and then use the proceeds from that investments in the welfare programs.

I, I don't see a way around it.

Jeffrey Feldberg: Wow, so a lot of social change ahead for us, and we'll have to see how we deal with that when we get there. Speaking as an entrepreneur and a founder from your side of things, how has AI changed things for you now, and how is it going to continue to change as you move forward, both with Level Fields and even beyond Level Fields?

You're a creative fellow, I wouldn't be surprised. You'll see where Level Fields takes you, but you'll be involved in other startups or other entities. So what's going on there?

Andrew Einhorn: Yes, for sure. I mean, we obviously use AI constantly, so it's changed my own investment process to have this application, so I. I used to spend a lot of time researching stocks and looking at background information. I don't have to do that anymore, which saves me time. So I set up the alerts on LevelFields, just delivers them to me, and it maybe takes a few seconds a day just to see what came in.

So that saved me a lot of time. What I also have to do is, as an entrepreneur and the CEO, we've got to [00:29:00] market level fields. We use AI tools to do that as well. So sometimes it's using pieces of content from ChatGPT and being able to put out, news content. Sometimes we just take a screenshot.

From something we've been working on and have it do a summary of the information that's in there, we're starting to do some more, marketing automation, things like that. And it's amazing how much you can get done now fast, particularly for someone, I'm not a coder, so I have to use non technical tools and there's so many more now than there used to be, just if you need to spin up a website quickly, you can do it in three hours.

It's incredible. Same with images. Image search used to be real pain if you're doing blogs or news articles and now you can just make your own image. You don't have to worry about copyright issues. So, type that in. So it really is wildly efficient and I think we're getting to a point where there will be a one person [00:30:00] company doing a hundred million dollars.

Pretty soon. I think we'll get to that level of efficiency where you can have one person who's pulling a lot of, levers and AI set up and have 100 million a year business without needing a lot of others. So if they're, savvy enough.

Jeffrey Feldberg: So all of that said, Andrew, level fields. For someone who's never heard of the company before, not really used to doing any kind of online investing, it's more the traditional way.

They have some kind of advisor, maybe it's a wealth advisor, maybe it's a stockbroker, some kind of financial planner that they're doing it this way. What's level fields? What would I see coming onto your platform as a consumer? What does that look like?

Andrew Einhorn: sure. So we, do event driven investing. What that means is we organize our events as strategies. So let's just take the example of a CEO departure. That is a type of event that happens again and again. So because it's repeating itself every year, sometimes hundreds of times a year, [00:31:00] each opportunity gives you a chance to make 5%, 10%, 20%.

And if you do that in repetition, you can be making a lot of money if you follow the pattern. Now, there's a little bit of a nuance to this particular type of event in that if the CEO leaves and it's a company that's performing well. Stock goes down and it shows on the platform how much the stock goes down on average and over what time period.

So it's like a weather report. Ah, it's going to rain, it's going to rain for four hours, and there's an 80 percent chance of rain. Which is the same with outcomes for events. So you get an event like Bezos leaving Amazon. People freak out. Is this the end of Amazon? You see the big headlines, it's growth over, and then the doom and gloom headlines come.

And what does our data show us? Well, it shows us that, on average, For a mega cap company losing a CEO, the share price goes down 2 percent on the first day, it goes down by about 10 percent over the next two months, and then it begins the reversal. And within, three or four months, it's usually back [00:32:00] to the previous price or all time high.

So what can you do with that information? Well, if you own Amazon, you can not freak out and sell it, that will prevent the loss. If you don't own Amazon, it's a buying opportunity, so you can make that 10 percent back if you know how to time it a little bit better. And, for those who are worried about buying at the wrong time or think the event might be something that will prevent them from investing.

They can have some confidence in just looking at the data and saying, oh, this is what usually plays out. So I'm not going to be so worried about it and see the future, if you will. So that is a very kind of basic way of using the platform. There are lots of different types of events to choose from.

So you could make a strategy out of one, or you could just use them for identifying companies you never heard of. So we have this one AI driven scenario. It's looking at kind of breakouts and trading patterns and sometimes it flags, a two day move. Other times it's the beginning of a six month [00:33:00] run on the stock and the ones that come through, you can look at some of 'em you heard of.

Most of 'em probably haven't. We also see lots of events come through when there's a macroeconomic factor at play. So, for example, when Putin invaded Ukraine, all of a sudden we saw these fertilizer companies issuing special dividends. Huge amounts. Coal companies as well. And if you don't know anything about the, interrelations of commodities to macro events, you don't have to because you're seeing these things come out and you're like, why are fertilizer companies doing well right now?

And you look at the bio and it says, they're an exporter of sodium potash. You Google sodium potash and you say, where does it come from? And 30 percent comes from Ukraine and Belarus and Russia. So it wasn't getting exported during the wars. Early on, as a result, those who were in Canada and the United States could just raise the price because supply and demand was out of bounds.

They had more demand than supply, so they were raising the price by 50 to 100 [00:34:00] percent, and without changing their operations, they were making tons of money, and they were giving the money back to shareholders in the form of special dividends. That's the sort of connection, the sort of butterfly effect that is picked up by the platform.

You might not even know why, but because you can see the whole market, you see these little pockets, these little industries and sub industries that are doing well, even when the rest of it might be selling off like it was in 2022. We see that constantly, supply chain disruption, stuff going on with Boeing, right?

Boeing stock is a disaster. Well, when Boeing stock is bad, guess who does well? Plane part manufacturers, because if you can't buy a new plane, you've got to fix the old one. So if you can't buy it from Boeing, you buy it from the suppliers. And so you see, things like Raytheon do well in other airplane parts, and that comes through as an event in the system, because usually when they're doing well, they have some kind of, indication of doing well, right?

They might increase the dividend by a huge amount and that's a flag. It's oh, wow, why are they giving away so much cash? [00:35:00] And just makes you ask those questions and you come up with a lot of investing ideas very quickly. You don't have to be reading, and scanning the Wall Street Journal or listening to CNBC, right?

It's just a steady stream of ideas. And for those who don't want to necessarily trade short term. Some of these are longer term, right? They're underlying trends. Like now we see the AI boom, right? But we also see a boom in utilities because they can charge more per kilowatt hour. They can charge during peak times more to the data centers.

Then you have the infrastructure around the data centers, right? Cooling technologies, construction companies doing well, those also show up. So you get to see everything. in one view, and it comes through on the platform as an event with a ticker and description and an indicator of whether it's bullish or bearish, and then you can break down, see a breakdown of, the correlation between the event and the price movement.

And if you're just doing research, it also speeds up the process, right? So I often find myself [00:36:00] looking at charts and trying to figure out why this company sold off 10 percent three months ago. Do I have to worry about another sell off like that?

Jeffrey Feldberg: Looking back, like you said earlier, it's always makes sense in terms of your journey and where it's taking you, but you've taken your experience with event driven kinds of things. The psychology of just human reaction and what's going on there.

The headlines of the news, AI, you've baked all that together. By the way, Deep Wealth Nation, we are not prescribing investment advice. Please check with your professional, whoever handles that. Andrew and I are simply talking about what Andrew is doing and his thoughts and my thoughts with that, but with your system, with Level Fields, you're putting all of that together and you're doing what would take a whole department of people, you're doing that really in milliseconds with AI and with the tools that you've built, And you're now coming out with strategies that I could choose to follow or not follow, buy or sell, or go in now or wait, and you're really taking the emotion out of it.

You're taking some of the headlines out of it, and you're [00:37:00] coming up with what's likely to happen, no guarantees, but what likely is going to happen based on Past events that's happened multiple times, the human reaction to that and everything else that's swirling around. How am I doing with that? Am I on base, off base?

What would you say to that?

Andrew Einhorn: No, it's spot on. Yeah, absolutely. We are just trying to take the Painful processes out of the process, right? And some people like research. I think most don't like spending the hours a week doing this type of grunt work. And there's a lot of opinion in the marketplace and, if it's, and a lot of free opinion and it's worth what they're charging for.

So we got to get around that as well.

Jeffrey Feldberg: And Andrew, I'm sure you've had a lot of naysayers about Level Fields as you've begun and now that you've been out there for a little while. If you go up against what the naysayers have said, where have they just been off base? And I know it's still early days and you're doing some incredible things.

Anything that you can share with us on that?

Andrew Einhorn: Yeah, there's a couple. I've been surprised. So the venture capital community [00:38:00] does not believe that self directed investing is anything more than a fad that started in COVID and it's just going to go away. And it makes me laugh because no matter how many new data sets come out that disprove that they still stick to their guns and don't pay any attention to the fact that 25 percent of the market in the U.

S. is self directed trading and it's over 40 percent in Asia. So it's not going anywhere. The second piece, that we come up with, I think on the marketing side, is just there is unfortunately have been a lot of schemes and scams and pump and dumps in, the financial services space.

And people are wary because they've been burned before, they subscribe to a newsletter service and they're supposed to get great stock picks and, they're told to wait five years and everything will be great. And then five years go by and, the positions are down 90%.

Makes people wary of new technology. So, being able to communicate the message that, is a hundred percent data driven, there's no scam [00:39:00] here, don't be afraid to try it is a tougher message to get through than we had originally thought, just because people are wary about things.

Jeffrey Feldberg: Sure. And you've been involved in M& A, you've had some exits, you have done startups. So best guess is where you are today. Do you think the investment money, the investment community, are they going to warm up to this sooner than later? Where do you see that going? A little bit of a loaded question there for you, but we'd love to hear your thoughts.

Andrew Einhorn: Yeah, I mean, you know, we're, always fundraising, right? So we have, Deals all the time, we have investors coming in just this week, as an example. We hope to get more soon. So there's those who are listening and want to invest, get in touch with us. But generally speaking, I think that it's going to be directed by strategic investors who understand the space.

So those are going to be the large brokerage systems that, have like DC groups under them. Or they'll be peripheral to the industry like a Google Ventures or Microsoft because they have, some [00:40:00] level of stock data there Apple a couple years ago. They were thinking about, going into stock trading on their platform.

They haven't done that yet, but that would certainly trigger lots of additional interest. Right now they're into banking. think it's inevitable and I think that it will evolve as well because you're gonna have options that are 100 percent automated. They have the robo advisors, they're pretty basic now, they're going to get more sophisticated.

Most of them are just going to park you in ETFs, but, if people don't want to deal with it, then they can do that. I think part of what's not really well understood is that, if you're successfully trading, it actually feels good, it's enjoyable to win. And so not everyone's going to want to give that up.

Jeffrey Feldberg: Sure.

Andrew Einhorn: just about the money. Making it easy.

Jeffrey Feldberg: And Andrew, my goodness, there are so many different areas that we can go into. We're starting to bump up again sometime. So I'm wondering, I know there's many questions that I didn't ask, but is there one question in particular that I didn't ask that you'd like [00:41:00] to share with the Deep Wealth Nation? Is there a topic that we haven't covered?

Is there even a message that you'd like to get out there?

Andrew Einhorn: Gosh, we covered a lot of topics. would just say that, from our experience, we have such a broad range of users. Some of them are, people who were on Wall Street for 30 years, and they had Bloomberg terminals the entire time, and they come, and they really like the platform because it's easy to use, does the heavy lifting, and then we have others who are complete novices, never traded before, We're just learning for the first time, and I see it as success for us that, we have that broad array.

So, if you're listening and you're trying to decide, is this for me, I would give it a shot. You certainly You're only going to lose 300 for an annual subscription. We're not charging that much. And you probably know other people who would be interested in taking a look. So I would encourage you to jot down a little fields, send a link to a friend if you're jogging right now, or if you're, at the gym, just make a note and check us out.

Jeffrey Feldberg: We're going to have all that in the show notes for Deep Wealth Nation. It'll be a point and click. And Andrew, I [00:42:00] imagine it's like anything else. If you go back to the titans of business today, and my goodness, if we can only go back in time, which is going to be a theme for my next question, if we only go back in time and get into that action before it actually began.

I mean, it's still early days, and I suspect the best is yet to come for you and the team in terms of what you're doing. And that said, is actually a perfect segue for what we do next on the Deep Wealth Podcast. It's a tradition here, I have the, really a privilege and the honor to ask each guest the same question.

And Andrew, it's a fun question. Here it is. When you think of the movie Back to the Future, you have that magical DeLorean car that will take you to any point in time. So imagine now, it's tomorrow morning, and Andrew, you look outside your window, not only do you see the DeLorean car curbside. The door is open, it's waiting for you to hop on in, which you do.

You're now going to go to Any point in your life, Andrew, as a young child, a teenager, whatever point in time that would be, what would you tell your younger self in terms of life lessons or life wisdom or, hey, Andrew, do this, but don't do that? What would that sound like?

Andrew Einhorn: I think it was [00:43:00] 2005, I was about to put all my money into Apple stock and I check it out. turns out it would've been about an $8 million trade. So I think probably that off the top of my head,

Jeffrey Feldberg: So buy Apple stock for sure. Anything else you tell your younger self in terms of a life principle or a way of going through life or your journey?

Andrew Einhorn: I would say, don't worry as much about the future because. Things have a way of working out when one door closes, another opens, and you just have to have faith that's how it will play out. Follow what you're interested in. Eventually you'll understand.

Jeffrey Feldberg: Andrew, what's interesting about that, actually, it's now a complete circle because when we first began talking, you were sharing how looking back on my career, everything makes perfect sense, but as you're going through it, a lot of question marks. Does this make sense? I don't know if this is the right way, but looking back, yeah, I had to do this.

Before I could do that and enjoy the journey. Don't worry about the future, things have a way of working out. I think that is absolutely terrific advice for the Deep Wealth Nation. [00:44:00] And, Andrew, let me ask you this. Somebody has a question in the Deep Wealth Nation. They want to speak with you. They want to speak with the team.

Maybe they even want to become a customer, but they want to get in touch with you. Where is the best place online for someone to find you?

Andrew Einhorn: Our website, you just go to levelfields. ai and click contact us.

Jeffrey Feldberg: Terrific. And Deep Wealth Nation, again, it's all in the show notes. It's a point and click. It doesn't get any easier. Well, Andrew, it's official. Congratulations. This is a wrap. And as we love to say here at Deep Wealth, may you continue to thrive and prosper while you remain healthy and safe. Thank you so much.

Andrew Einhorn: Thank you. Thanks for having me. 

Jeffrey Feldberg: So there you have it, Deep Wealth Nation. What did you think? 

So with all that said and as we wrap it up, I have another question for you.

Actually, it's more of a personal favor. 

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So all that said. Thank you so much for listening. And remember your wealth isn't just about the money in the bank. It's about the depth of your journey and the impact that you're creating. So let's continue this journey together. And from the bottom of my heart, thank you so much for listening to this episode.

And as we love to say here at Deep Wealth, may you continue to thrive and prosper while you remain healthy and safe. 

Thank you so much. 

God bless.


Andrew Einhorn Profile Photo

Andrew Einhorn


Andrew Einhorn is the visionary CEO and co-founder of LevelFields AI, a company revolutionizing the way we understand and respond to market events. With a career spanning environmental consulting, trading, and cutting-edge technology, Andrew has harnessed his diverse experiences to create tools that empower traders and investors to make smarter, data-driven decisions in real-time.

At LevelFields AI, Andrew and his team have developed a groundbreaking event-monitoring system that transforms complex data into actionable insights. From dissecting the GameStop short squeeze to leveraging AI for predictive analysis, Andrew is at the forefront of innovation, bridging the gap between technology and financial markets.

Through his work, Andrew is not only shaping the future of AI in finance but also providing individuals and businesses with the tools to navigate market trends effectively, unlocking new opportunities in an ever-changing landscape.