Waleuska Lazo On How Gratitude Unleashes Your Health And Success (#4)

Waleuska is one of the original founders of the eLearning company Embanet.
"Nothing new can enter your life unless you have learned to be grateful for what you currently have." - Waleuska Lazo
Waleuska is one of the original founders of the eLearning company Embanet. Since Embanet, Waleuska launched The Gratitude Experiment. Waleuska helps people transform their lives through the power of gratitude. Waleuska created a 28-day online experience called "Five Minutes To Gratefulness" (FMTG).
FMTG is a thriving community with people from 83 countries around the world. Through FMTG, Waleuska teaches you step-by-step how to welcome gratitude into your life.
The inspiration for FMTG happened when Waleuska found her life in a low-spot. Through trial-and-error, Waleuska transformed her life with 5 minutes a day of gratitude.
During challenging times, it's gratitude that turns the ordinary into the extraordinary.
- After the sale of Embanet Waleuska became a writer
- Waleuska created a system that welcomes gratitude into daily life
- Why business owners need gratitude more than they realize
- During challenging times like the pandemic, gratitude helps to keep you appreciative
- When in a state of gratitude, the body produces about 1,300 chemicals to promote healing
- The mind can have on emotion at a time. When in gratitude, negativity does not affect you
- Why all it takes is five minutes a day to make a difference
- How close to 800 people have gone through FMTG and transformed their lives for the better
- Gratitude helps you welcome the challenges so you can learn and prosper
- Why the most powerful action a person can take is to be in the moment with gratitude
- There's no rule book that says you have to like everything in your life. You won't. What matters is how you view the situation.
- Waleuska view on how you can't control things around you, but you can control your reaction
- The FMTG system is 28 days and offered free-of-charge
- Waleuska shares the story of one participant in the FMTG course went from hating his job to thriving in it.
- How gratitude can help parents while their children at home from the pandemic
- The need to acknowledge the pain of their children from the feeling their world changing
- How the universe is a mirror of your inner emotions and thoughts
- The new book Waleuska is preparing on The Gratitude Experiment
- Why gratitude must be part of a company's culture
- The importance of counting the blessing in your life right now, even with the pandemic
This podcast is brought to you by Deep Wealth. Are you a business owner who is wondering how to grow your business, sell it, or both? Perhaps you're wondering how to make your business pandemic-proof? Learn how the strategies to grow and extract the deep wealth from your business.
Enjoy the interview!
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Short Film: Are You Living In A State Of Lack?
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Steve Wells: [00:00:00] This is Steve Wells.
Jeffrey Feldberg: [00:00:02] And I'm Jeffrey Feldberg. Welcome to the sell my business podcast.
Steve Wells: [00:00:07] This podcast is brought to you by Deep Wealth. Are you a business owner who is wondering how to either grow your business, sell it, or both? Or maybe in today's environment, you're wondering how do I make my business pandemic proof?
Visit deepwealth.com to find out how you can master the strategies to grow and extract. The deep wealth from your business. Visit www.deepwealth.com Jeffrey, I think we've got a very, exciting guest today. One that you and I know very well. Would you want to start the introduction?
Jeffrey Feldberg: [00:00:38] Well, absolutely.
And for everyone who's listening, some history is being made here today, The three of us with our guest here. It's Waleuska Lazo. The three of us started our e-learning company Embanet and this is a back in the days when everyone said the internet was a fad and it wasn't going to be around. And the three of us went on to do some terrific things.
And as many of you know, the growth strategies and the nine-figure exit that we were able to do, was hatched amongst the three of us here. So. It's some old times here. It's some new times here, but let's leave the past in the past, and let's look not only to today, but also to the future.
So for starters, Waleuska why don't you bring everyone up to speed? What have you been doing since your Embanet days?
Waleuska Lazo: [00:01:28] Hi everyone, and thank you for having me. Well, after Embanet what I started to do was become a writer. I began on a spiritual journey. That brought me to where I am here today, and I have developed a whole system for people all over the world to wire the habit of gratitude into their daily lives, regardless of the circumstance.
So that's what keeps me busy every day.
Jeffrey Feldberg: [00:02:00] Business owners who are listening to this are probably saying gratitude. What is gratitude? And, particularly right now as we record this, we're in the middle of a, a pandemic. And it's one of the reasons why it is so terrific to have you on.
But I imagine people are saying. Gratitude and business. What does one really have to do with the other? Can take a step back. I understand you've been doing some wonderful things. You've built a thriving community around you with a system that you pioneered. Tell us about the system and the community and what's involved with the gratitude movement that you've started.
Waleuska Lazo: [00:02:36] Thank you Jeffrey. So what I have done is I've developed a system. It's a step by step, a guide to how to live your life in gratitude. I realized that everyone in the world knows what gratitude is, but not everyone knows how to be grateful. And so, the system works on a 28-day commitment and it's all done online with people all over the world who've come together under a common goal to use gratitude to elevate their lives.
It's a commitment of five minutes a day is designed for the busy business people that don't have a lot of time. So, it's five minutes of gratitude before you wake up in the morning. And there's very specific areas that I take each individual through. to apply into different aspects of their lives.
Steve Wells: [00:03:28] You know, we've interviewed a lot of, business, people, during this pandemic crisis we're going through. And what's interesting is that before we've interviewed you. I would say. What do you think, Jeffrey? I think I've heard at least a half a dozen put gratitude as one of the things that is necessary when going through a crisis and it wasn't, we weren't prompting them, but they were saying gratitude was so important.
Why? Why is gratitude important? What does it do to someone's psyche, their emotions? I mean, why is it important to have gratitude.
Waleuska Lazo: [00:04:04] Gratitude is the precursor for wealth, for financial freedom, for health, and for everlasting happiness.
Gratitude's important because it changes your entire perspective. Without gratitude, you don't have appreciation for all the blessings that you have. So people in terms in, in times of, Challenges like the ones that we're having right now tan, to focus solely on the fear on what they're lacking on what you know, the situation is taking away from them and you can spiral down very quickly. So what gratitude does, it just helps you reground and center and be appreciative, not for the lack, but for the abundance that you have and the purpose and the lessons that are.
Brought to us through this pen, pen and them mic. and it's important because if you have a healthy psychic, you know, you have peace in your mind that you can perform better in your job, in your home with your kids, and you know, with your students. So, I think everything starts with gratitude. You can, you can't function and have peace.
Without, being grateful for what you currently have,
Steve Wells: [00:05:19] You know, from the spiritual side, the emotional side. I see that. Is there anything that it physiologically, you know, is there any like scientific, who worked at even talks about what gratitude does to our bodies?
Waleuska Lazo: [00:05:33] Oh my gosh, there's a lot of information available, so it's been proven that the minute your mind enters a state of gratitude you go into a gamma wave, not even an alpha wave but a gamma wave where your body starts to produce about 1300 chemicals in your body that promote healing. That's why if you're grateful, you can heal yourself. It promotes serotonin. It shuts down anger.
To fear you. You can only have one emotion at one given time. So, if you're basically giving gratitude, you can't have fear at the same time, at least not for the moment that you're expressing that gratitude. So yeah, physiological, there's a lot of changes, positive changes that happen. You become a pharmacy of chemicals that are good for you.
Jeffrey Feldberg: [00:06:26] Waleuska I know you didn't just wake up one morning and all of a sudden you had five minutes of gratitude, that just popped into your head. How did you come up with this gratitude system? And can five minutes a day of gratitude really make that much of a difference, especially now when everyone seems to be stressed and worried, and what's tomorrow going to bring? How did you go from here to there? Tell us that story.
Waleuska Lazo: [00:06:58] Yes. I, there was a point in my life where I reach my version of rock bottom and I was extremely unhappy. In spite of all the blessings that I had in my life, and I was just solely focused on all the things I didn't have, and I thought I need it in order to be happy.
I was brought up very spiritual. So, when I was at my lowest, I realized that in order to change my life, I had to try something that I had not tried before. So, I grab onto my spirituality. And just one day I started giving gratitude for, for everything that I had. And at the beginning it was very difficult to even think of things to be grateful for .and I thought, okay, you know, let's just start with five minutes. Surely everyone can do five minutes. And even the five minutes felt eternal. But I stuck with it and he became a challenge for me. Can I spend five minutes of gratitude each day? And little by little, it got better. And then there came a point where five minutes was just not enough.
And I started then focusing on certain things, specific things in my life. One day I will just spend five minutes in gratitude for my immune system, for my wellbeing, giving my body, thanks for the ability to heal. And little by little I realized that what I was creating was a whole system.
And I didn't know it at the time, and it just came by fluke that somebody asked me something about gratitude. They said, how did you get from where you were being very unhappy and questioning your existence to now, you know, what is the magic pill? There is no magic pill. Everything in life that is worth doing. it takes a lot of discipline. But if there's one single thing that they can do, it will be gratitude to start their day with gratitude and the formula works if you do it prior to getting up from your bed. And that's what I teach my students, that everything else can wait. Your coffee can wait, you grabbing your phone and looking at your email and checking your social media.
All that has to wait because what you're trying to do is to prime your body with gratitude, because the minute your body feels the signature of love and gratitude, it signals to your brain to create more of the same chemicals, to match the emotion that you're having at that moment. So it really sets you up for the rest of the day.
And, this has been proven. We have about close to 800 people have done the system, and it has really transformed their lives.
Steve Wells: [00:09:45] I would think. I'm particularly not right now. people in business. They're going through a lot of stress and depending on their industry, I mean, almost every business has been touched and they're going to have to let people go, furlough them and make really hard decisions and they're not fun. You know, they're looking at their own finances. It probably is really defining for people, you know, what does work mean? What's my life? And maybe giving them a pause to reflect more. and I can really see the value of, them understanding what gratitude means. When you went through your journey, Waleuska, has it changed your, your idea of what success is? I mean, you've had some great success and financial success. Is there anything you can speak to that as someone who, particularly a business person is trying to build or grow a business on? What does a successful business person look for with a grateful, perspective?
Waleuska Lazo: [00:10:41] Everything. You know, as a business person, you have to look at everything in your life, the good, the bad, the ugly, and be grateful for them. It's not about feeling grateful when you get that client that you were chasing for so long, or you get the contract or your employees having to make their quota.
It's not about that. It's about being grateful for the challenges and knowing that. If the universe brought you a challenge, it's also brought you the knowhow and the tools and the strength to overcome that challenge. So, what I tell my students a lot of them are business owners and you know, they have to shut down their businesses is, you know, we are at a point in time where we're lucky enough that we have technology.
This is not happening a hundred years ago. It Is happening at a time where we can use all these amazing tools to stay connected. And you know, they have to transform their businesses. People can work from home. They have, the technology to still see each other and you know, carry on with their meetings.
But the most important thing that I tell them is be grateful for the moment. Be mindful because the minute you start to focus on, oh my gosh, the revenue that I am not making, the people that I have to lay off, you're going to spiral down. And there is absolutely nothing that you can do. You can't control what is happening.
So, what can you do is be mindful? Stay in the moment and being grateful that you have great employees, that you know, we'll stay home and they'll have time to spend time with their families. To go inward to do the things that they never thought they could do. And as business owners gives us a time to step back and to reinvent ourselves to come up with new strategies and new visions.
So, I think that in the middle of this pandemic that we have also been giving a great gift and that gift is to look at ourselves and know that we can handle everything that we are facing. We are equipped to do that. Our bodies are wired to thrive. So, I have to believe that that that is true and that this thing will pass.
So, in the meantime, all we can do is stay present and do what you can with what you have.
Jeffrey Feldberg: [00:13:05] I imagine that, people who are listening to this now may be saying, okay, I hear you on how gratitude can help my body and my mind. I can work on myself and maybe reinvent the business, but how do I deal with the fact that I don't have a business anymore?
Or the people that helped to build the business, I had to let them go. Or that the money just isn't there to continue the way that things were, that that life today is so much more challenging and difficult than it was before the pandemic started. So for someone in that situation, how can gratitude play a role to address that?
Waleuska Lazo: [00:13:51] Well, I think the important part is to realize that we don't have to like everything that you're thrown in your life, you don't have to like everything.
You don't have to feel grateful for every single thing. but what I can tell you is that in any given moment you can find things to be grateful for. So you know, you may be upset that you're not getting the income and that you're out of business right now, but you're still alive. So focused on what you currently have.
You know, you're healthy. Say thank you. You have your family safe. Say thank you and this will pass. And I believe that, no door ever closes without another one opening. But you're worrying about it it's not going to help you. So, it's really finding grinded too in the little things that you have.
You know, that the song came out that today's a nice day, that you can go for a walk, that you can read that book, that you never had time to read before. So, it's just always finding something at every moment that you could be grateful for. You don't have to like everything.
Steve Wells: [00:14:58] Waleuska you said the program that you have is how long 28 days?
Is there a reason for that? Why 28 is, is that significant?
Waleuska Lazo: [00:15:09] Well, there's a lot of research that says it takes about a month to rewire a habit. So I designed the system to be, not too long that people get discouraged and short enough that you know, they say, yeah, you know what, I can do this 28 days, five minutes a day. I can do this. And it has worked very well.
Steve Wells: [00:15:31] And I would expect that, like anything, when you start off, it's probably harder and you're trying to get a rhythm and you're trying to feel it. And then as you go through it, and by the end of the 28 days, do you find people are doing it more naturally and they're really seeing the benefits from it?
Waleuska Lazo: [00:15:48] Absolutely. It's amazing that before the week is over, because I structure the course in four week modules and every week has seven days, and every single day has a lesson, and the lesson teaches you the area in your life that you're going to focus on and why you're doing it. Because I believe that when you understand the why of things, the how becomes a lot easier.
The students have told me that even a week into it, they find themselves being more aware of their negative thinking. You know, that chatter in the back of your mind and they find themselves calmer or their perspective changes. They are definitely more aware of their blessings. And, at the beginning, yes. A lot of them say five minutes feels eternal, and then halfway into the course they're telling me the five minutes is not enough to focus on the various areas of their lives.
Jeffrey Feldberg: [00:16:51] I'm wondering if there's some success stories that you've had that, that you might be able to share of, people who were just rock bottom and then how the system changed them and what that's meant for them, both on a personal level as well as on the business level.
Does anything come to mind? Anything that you can share with our community.
We have people that were very afraid to go and pursue their dreams because of their limiting beliefs that they're not good enough of needing half the revenue to go and start a new business. And after doing the course, a lot of them reported that they felt that they could do anything.
They could literally achieve anything. They put their mind too because they realized that they have within themselves. All that is required to be successful. If it's coming from a place of inferiority and of intention, and I have people that at the beginning, were having a lot of challenges in their job, and the system teaches them to focus on things about their job that they can be grateful for.
Not necessarily everything of the job, but things that they can be grateful for. So I had a guy who hated his job, and through gratitude we started focusing on what can you be grateful for today? Maybe it's the clients that you talk to on the phone. Maybe it's the coworkers that you see every day.
And little by little, his attitude towards the job started to change and he said that he got the courage to be able to speak to his supervisor about his ideas and there were very receptive. And then he just realized that at the end of the 30 days that he actually loved his job. Whereas before he was thinking about leaving.
Waleuska Lazo: [00:18:45] So I think when you change your perspective and you look for the good, you see the good, you know, your mind will always try to, to match what you are feeling. So if you're always focused on all the aspects of your job that you hate. That's where you're going to encounter, but if you shift your focus and you become grateful for what you have, I mean the ability to hold a job.
I think a lot of people like right now with an income is a blessing. And not having that, I think, you know, they would agree that it was a blessing. So just being grateful for what you've been giving and trying to blossom where you are planted. You know, that's, that's a big message that my students learn.
And that, you know, you can dream big and you can plan for the future, but till then you do your best where you are and the rest will follow.
Steve Wells: [00:19:36] I imagine it's like a lot of, things that. When you give something out, you actually get a lot back. So, when you see someone who smiles, you smile back to them.
I mean, you kind of, it seems like people respond. I would much rather be around a thankful, grateful person than when he's complaining a lot. So, and I know, I, I know you have two girls and so I know, and they're a little bit older than not young, young children anymore. and I know you've been able to share that with them.
And I'm thinking about it. All the moms said are at home right now, and they got their kids, and, and what a great opportunity that it is for them to model gratitude and maybe start something. Have you had any, any moms or anyone using your system for their children?
Waleuska Lazo: [00:20:23] Oh, yes. I have a lot of moms on my system and yes, it's a wonderful opportunity for us as parents because our children will not do what we say. They will do. What we do. We're mirroring for them what it's like to be resilient. What it is like to have acceptance, because this is a time where there is not much that we can do to change what is going on around the world.
So as having the acceptance that, you know, we're all going through this together. So as parents, we need to model for our children, what it's like to be able to sooth yourself. You know, to find things that interests you. You can't constantly be entertaining your kids 24 by 7. It just does not happen, right?
So, he's a good opportunity for our children to see how we handle the stress, how we handle what's coming ahead and to give them hope. They're looking to us to give them hope that this thing will pass. And the main advice that I have for moms is do not undermine the pain that their children are going through.
They may not know how to label it, but I think every young kid is grieving their world because they woke up in the next day. Their world as they knew it was gone. So, we need to acknowledge our feelings. We need to acknowledge that we are grieving.
We had been giving some things, but we've also lost something. So, it's about acknowledging that you know, we do miss the life we had. We miss that they miss seeing their friends and going to school. I mean, this is dramatic for them. And you can go to your kids and say, well, you know, be grateful because you have a roof over your head and you're healthy and you have food.
It doesn't register for them at that level. So really what I teach my moms’ in the course is to let their children acknowledge their pain and not to shame it, and not to deny it because you can heal something that you're not aware of. So, in a way is good for them to grieve it and to be able to talk with their parents about what they're feeling and you know, for us to say, you know what?
We get it. We absolutely get it, and this is devastating for you.
Jeffrey Feldberg: [00:22:45] This really sounds terrific in terms of how gratitude sets you up for success. Why don't you walk us through what that looks like for you? So you go to bed at night, are you doing anything before you go to bed at night to prepare yourself for when you wake up in the morning and then when, you wake up, can you walk us through what a typical morning would look like?
Waleuska Lazo: [00:23:07] Well, I will try to explain it in terms of how I structure the course.
So, for a student today, last night, they have a lesson that they read. And in that lesson, there's an assignment and there is a meditation and audio meditation. So, during the night they read, and today, for example, is self-love. They're learning about self-love and how to, you know, be accepting of all their imperfections. So, they read the lesson and then in the morning you set up your alarm five minutes prior to the time that you typically would wake up. And before you even touch your phone, you start your meditation. And I give them instructions as do you know what they have to do. So being self-love today is, you know, finding the forgiveness in our judgments, our decisions that we make in life and all our regrets.
And just loving ourselves and being kind with, who we are. And knowing that the things that we did in the past brought us to where we are today. So typically, that's what would happen every single day. I have a specific area of my life that I would focus on, and that's what I give gratitude for.
Jeffrey Feldberg: [00:24:22] Before we started recording, you shared a personal story with us. We were talking about how life and particularly people, you can just be viewed as an obstacle in your life or a person does something that feels at that time cruel or mean and you were sharing and it's a terrific story of how this one individual brought you to your lowest of lows, but at the same time gave you the seed of the solution. You said, out of every difficult situation within, it is born the seed of opportunity and in possibly even the solution. Can you tell us a little bit more about that, not just for today during pandemic times? Life can be challenging, but if you have what you're sharing with us, the right attitude and the right outlook and system, you can take the challenging times. And like we say here at Deep Wealth, figure out how to not just survive, but to thrive. So what, what was that like, how, how did you come to that realization?
What's the story behind the story?
Waleuska Lazo: [00:25:32] Well, it's really looking back at your life when you have, you know, the time to really reflect on all the challenges you've ever had. Chances are that you'll find that your biggest breakthroughs and opportunities came out of those moments of grief and pain and betrayal and loss, whatever it was.
So yes, every challenge, we'll have the seed of a greater opportunity. The universe doesn't remove something from you without also giving you something in return. And the challenge is for people to be willing. To look for the lessons and the purpose of what they're going through.
Because when you focus on the lesson, you heal. If you just keep focusing on the problem, you're going to enter into a state of perpetual suffering and tension and stress and illness. So, every single opportunity that opened up for me came from a closed opportunity. And. That's just how I know now that that's how the universe works.
Steve Wells: [00:26:46] You know, it's funny, Waleuska. You and Jeffrey and myself went on to build a great company and had a great exit. But, you know, it was at of a lot of pain that I was brought into your world. I had, some difficult things and, and, when we first met, it was in California and I wasn't really there on the best of circumstances.
And at the time I was really not happy about having to be there. If I hadn't been sent there, we would never have met, or maybe God would have found another way to do it. I'm sure that's what He wanted. But that was just a perfect example to me of, of when, I was in the middle of it.
That I wasn't very grateful to be honest. But after I got through it then I was so grateful that I had those difficult times. Because where it brought me was just so powerful. So, I'm not really asking a question and just kind of saying, yeah, I completely agree with what you're saying.
Waleuska Lazo: [00:27:42] I think it's about having a little bit of faith that, you know, whatever situation you are being put through, it's preparing you for something greater and you, you know, if you believe that, then you're going to have a better life. You're going to have more acceptance and you're going to be able to move through challenges a lot quicker. I'm not saying that you're going to stop having challenges. You can be the most grateful person, the most religious person.
I mean, grief and challenges is a ticket that we all get is how quickly you're going to bounce back. And I think gratitude plays a huge role in your ability to bounce, back from situations that take you down. When we met, you were in the middle of the storm, so you can't really see ahead and you can't conceive how something that you're going through can be good.
So again, it's having the faith that I know there's a bigger plan for me. I may not see the plan or understand the plan. But I'm good with it. You know, it's having that grateful heart to say, I love this. I love what I'm going through because that tells me that the universe trusts me enough that I can solve my problem, that I can come out on the other side of victorious.
So, I welcome it. I welcome challenges because I know that's just preparing me for something greater.
Jeffrey Feldberg: [00:29:05] It's a terrific attitude. It really sounds like gratitude cuts through religion, whether you're religious or not, the culture that you're in, the country that you live in, it, it doesn't really matter as long as you're human.
And you have the ability to be grateful. You can through the process, open up your mind to new opportunities. In the course that you're offering where are your students coming from?
Waleuska Lazo: [00:29:34] We have students from all over the world, 83 countries right now are being represented, with 300 students.
So, it's quite amazing. And to see that these people come together under a common goal and they are so open to sharing their life and the power of vulnerability. You know, to be able to share and to heal from sharing with others is actually incredible. And to see the transformation firsthand.
When they come into the course, they are asked to, you know, answer a few questions. Without exception, you know, people walk out with a much higher satisfaction level of their life and appreciation for what they have.
And one of the biggest things is people that are unhappy in their marriages but don't have the courage to leave. And the other one will be people that have a lot of limiting beliefs and that stops them from sharing their gift or even discovering that they have a gift to offer the world. And through gratitude every single day, what it does it uncovers all the layers that you have in your subconscious mind, any exposes them. So a lot of them are facing traumas that they buried very deep inside. And the question they ask all the time is, why do we have to go back to the past? Why do I have to relive this very painful experience when we can just, you know, focus on the future?
My contention is that you can't build a future with the same tools, the got you into the life that, you now, want forget, right. You need new strategies to overcome
Jeffrey Feldberg: [00:31:16] So let me get this straight with, with what you've been sharing, that the power of gratitude on its own. in everyone, it can awaken this built in ability this built in power that we have to welcome good opportunities and, and make the most out of challenging times to welcome better times ahead. Is that, is that how you would look to sum it up with what, in a nutshell, gratitude can do for somebody.
Waleuska Lazo: [00:31:47] Absolutely on gratitude will change every aspect of your life and make you a magnet for miracles. You know, when you are vibrating at that frequency, you're going to attract all things people and events that vibrate at that frequency that you are vibrating. And so, if you're going to be focusing on the good and you're grateful for your life and what you have, you're going to attract more of the same things is the law of the universe.
The universe is a mirror, and literally mirrors the emotions that you feel deep inside your subconscious. So, the key is through gratitude, is to teach your subconscious mind to abandoned some of your limiting beliefs and create some more empowering ones that you can handle anything that comes into your life with grace.
Jeffrey Feldberg: [00:32:41] So tell us about this course of yours. I imagine that people now have more time than what they're traditionally used to. Can anyone take a take this course? Do you charge money for it?
Waleuska Lazo: [00:32:55] The course is done online and it's free.
It's, you know, it a way of, Sending the message to the world. And, it runs every six weeks and is called The Gratitude Experiment. And we have an acronym for it, which is FMTG five minutes to gratefulness because it that's what it takes. It takes five minutes of your busy life and it leaves you with a heart full of, you know, gratefulness.
So that's where the acronym came from.
Jeffrey Feldberg: [00:33:23] We'll put this in the show notes of where people can access the site, that they can learn more about this and, and possibly even sign up for it and, hopefully be one of the people who have a free resource to, to help them. This sounds terrific. Are you going to be writing a book about this?
Waleuska Lazo: [00:33:41] Oh, it's funny that you mentioned that. So the course is actually based on the book and the book. It's pretty much ready to go. And we're just in the process of writing proposals for future, publishers.
I am really excited about the prospect of bringing the book into the world and it's beautiful because it incorporates testimonials from students from all over the world who have gone through the very system that people will be buying.
Jeffrey Feldberg: [00:34:07] It sounds like gratitude has to be a building block. If you want to do some terrific things Steve, what, what are you thinking?
Steve Wells: [00:34:13] Well, yeah, I think, I, it doesn't have to be, but it's, I think it's a necessity if you want to have a life that's worth building.
And I think when you're going through a terrible time, with a lot of pressure. If you don't have gratitude, it is not going to free up your mind to be creative, to see opportunities? I think they're just going to pass you by. You're, you're going to, you're going to be blind to, to all that's around you. To take advantage of that from just a selfish point of view and then your body, you're, you're going to suffer the stress and that gratitude is going to alleviate. And so, you know, is it essential? Well, of course, nothing's essential, but you know, you don't have to have a good diet either. You don't have to, you know, exercise, but, you know, it's going to. If you do those things, you're, you're definitely going to be much more, oriented towards success.
Waleuska Lazo: [00:35:11] Yes.
And I also think that as a business owner, if you build an attitude of gratitude into the fabric of your workers, the are going to react a lot better towards their job, their families. They going to be healthier, and they're going to come to work with excitement. Gratitude should be an essential component of every business should be built into their mission statement.
When you are working or producing a product, you're in a way you, you're there to service something, a need in the community. So you have to be grateful for that. Gratitude is everything.
Steve Wells: [00:35:51] I think you're absolutely right. You know, and if you look at some companies that have great cultures.
They may not always use the word gratitude, but they really have a very grateful or thankful culture in them. You know, I think as somebody I personally know really well, you know, Chick-fil-A and I just because my son-in-law works there and you know, they, they, they really, you're, you're right. Their attitude of gratitude is, is flowing over into their workforce, which is creating even more gratitude and more success for them.
Jeffrey Feldberg: [00:36:20] You know, as interesting as the three of us have been talking here, a memory just popped in and I'm sure you'll remember this. When we were going through our exit journey, we spent years of time and millions of dollars to figure it out.
At one point, everything had come to a stop and, and nothing seemed to be working. The harder we tried the worst it got, I don't know if, you remembering that, but I, I remember this day where the three of us got on this call and we said, let's try something different.
Let's stop trying to force it. We said let’s just be grateful for where we are in what we have and let's let things begin to take care of themselves. And Steve and Waleuska I'm sure you remember what happened next.
It was like magic not only did it work out, but we truly were blessed with a nine figure exit and little did we know Waleuska to your point that pain and the suffering at the time that we were going through taught us some wonderful lessons and it was also preparing us for who knew all these years later to do it exactly what we're doing.
Steve Wells: [00:37:27] You know, like you were saying, Jeffrey, I mean, we, if we hadn't had that kind of gratitude beginning foundation that we'll ask is talking about, we would have probably settled. for what was going to be a very small in comparison exit, a seven-figure exit. But instead, I think we felt that we had something more. We, we were going to, we felt that, that, this business was going to go beyond that. And, you know, we use that time to do our research and, you know, as, as we've talked many times before, we ended up with a nine-figure exit.
But I think you're right. I think the, the impetus and the foundation of that was really built on gratitude.
Jeffrey Feldberg: [00:38:07] So Waleuska as we begin to wrap things up here the one question that that I have, and I'm sure our listeners in the community have, knowing what you know about gratitude, if you could only do one thing, if there's one takeaway that you could do and share with our community, what would be the one thing that that you would do given what you now know.
Waleuska Lazo: [00:38:31] Well, it will be to learn to be mindful of your current blessings. Forget about why you want to create what you want to attract. You cannot possibly attract anything new in your life unless you have learned to be grateful for what you currently have. That is the law so you can dream of, world domination in your business.
Learn to appreciate what you currently have and he will come and to surrender the need for control. Because as much as we'd like to think as business owners that we are in control, we are not, you know, we can plan, we can move and do what we can to move us in the direction of our dreams. But at the end of the day, we have to surrender the timelines and to surrender the outcome because our job is to stay open to the flow of the universe and to let the universe do Her job and bring us what he needs to bring us.
Jeffrey Feldberg: [00:39:28] Said, like the true master of gratitude that you are. Waleuska this has been terrific. And during these challenging times, please keep healthy and safe. And thank you so much for being open and sharing your journey with all of us today.
Steve Wells: [00:39:45] Thank you, Waleuska. It’s been a real pleasure, and for you reinstilling the attitude of gratitude in me that I need to practice more.
Thank you for that.
Waleuska Lazo: [00:39:54] Thank you. It's been great to see you guys.