Feb. 17, 2025

Success Coach Theresa Dugwell Reveals How To Mater Success Through Unconventional Strategies (#413)

Success Coach Theresa Dugwell Reveals How To Mater Success Through Unconventional Strategies (#413)

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“You have talent within you and show the world what you have.” - Theresa Dugwell

Exclusive Insights from This Week's Episodes

Teresa Dugwell, a multi-talented athlete and success coach, shares her inspirational journey of overcoming challenges. Known for running 23 marathons and setting three Guinness World Records for the greatest distance run over 12 hours on a treadmill, Teresa describes how her upbringing and personal struggles led her to value health and fitness. Transitioning to a successful career, she coaches for Tony Robbins and helps entrepreneurs achieve remarkable business growth.

03:17 Teresa Dugwell's Inspirational Journey

07:48 Overcoming Challenges and Achieving Success

12:25 The Power of Mindset and Resilience

14:56 Coaching Strategies for Success

22:09 The Importance of Health and Fitness

25:53 Practical Strategies for Overcoming Fear and Self-Doubt

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413 Theresa Dugwell

Jeffrey Feldberg: [00:00:00] Theresa Dugwell is a renaissance woman with brilliant accomplishments in multiple fields. She's a passionate runner who has run 23 marathons and is a three times Guinness World Record holder for the greatest distance run over 12 hours on a treadmill. She's helped numerous functional medicine and dental clinic owners scale their practices to seven figures and 12, 000 hours of coaching as a Results coach and business results trainer for Tony Robbins. Theresa has helped raise millions of dollars as the YMCA's Volunteer of the Year and created an event for the Special Olympics basketball team to play a game with the Toronto Raptors home court and meet the NBA's team players.

And before we start the episode, a quick word from our sponsor, Deep Wealth and the Deep Wealth Mastery Program. Here's Sanjay, a graduate of Deep Wealth Mastery, and he says, the investment I made in the Deep Wealth Mastery Program, it's a rounding error compared to the value created today and the future value I'll receive.

Or how about William, who says, and I love this, A company that's [00:01:00] attractive to sell is also a great one to own. The Deep Wealth Mastery Program gives me the best of both worlds. 

Now speaking of growth and adding value, check out what Leon says. He says that the Deep Wealth Mastery Program changed how and who we hire. We've now begun to hire talent today that we never would have hired if it weren't for the program. The talent we're hiring today is helping both increase our growth and profits and our future enterprise value. 

Man, I love that kind of feedback because it's that kind of feedback that's what gets me out of bed every day.

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So if you're interested in growing your profits, preparing for a future liquidity event, whether that's two years away or 22 years away, and if you want to optimize your post exit life, Deep Wealth Mastery is for you. Please email [00:02:00] success at deepwealth. com. Again, that's success, S U C C E S S at deepwealth. com. We'll send you all the information about Deep Wealth Mastery, otherwise known as the Scale for Ultimate Sales System. 

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Again, that's the 90 day Deep Wealth Mastery program. It has your name on it. All you need to do is take the next step. Please send an email to success at deepwealth. com. 

Deep Wealth Nation, welcome to another episode of the Deep Wealth Podcast. And you know me, I love my rhetorical questions. I have some questions for you. Are you tapping into the superpower, the super person that you are, and [00:03:00] sharing that with the world? Or are you like Superman or Superwoman? You're that Clark Kent version and no one really sees it, but you don't know how to get there, what to do.

Do you want to get some excellence in your life? Do you want to take your business game, your personal life, to the next level. And I'm sure you said yes to all those things. You're in the right place with our guest today. So Theresa, welcome to Deep Wealth Podcast. It's an absolute pleasure to have you with us.

And there's always a story behind the story. So Theresa, what's your story? What got you from where you were to where you are today?

Theresa Dugwell: Thank you for, having me on your podcast. I'm really excited about this. What helped me get to where I am today I was raised with a single mom and two little sisters. And I was working at nine years of age, my first job, I remember washing floors, and just to get a little bit of money and when I was 16 years old, I developed an autoimmune disorder, and it's called vitiligo, which is a skin disorder, and Michael Jackson was known to have this where you develop these white spots and you know, I became super conscious of health You at 16 years of age.

And I [00:04:00] was very hardworking and wanted to learn. And so at that point, becoming so involved in understanding what was happening to my skin, why was I losing my color? And getting involved in health. I took health on as one of my big motivators in life and it became a value of mine that was at the top.

So, everything was driven around that from that time on, and I started running, and so, in my running, and how I started my running actually was because I was bullied at that time as well, and I used running as my form of of running away from things. And so, what's interesting is that the running was my inner superpower, because I felt there was one thing I could control and it made me feel better and I just felt very confident and in my running.

Fast forwarding from that, I, took on running marathons and my first marathon, I'll never forget it, it took me six months and when I finished that first marathon crossing that finish line was a moment of where, as I was getting close to it, I [00:05:00] remember these, I like these tears were coming over me because I felt this sense of, I did it, oh my goodness, I did it, I really ran these 26 miles and there was such joy in that, and when I finished that, It awakened something within me that was, again, feeding that superhero within me, something I wanted more.

And it also was that control of being able like, I had control to build and be better through this physical being. The physical health was my driver. It's going to help me achieve more. And so I can carry it on and I ran several more marathons up to 22 marathons. But on that journey as well in my early 40s I decided I was actually a very active volunteer with the YMCA.

I was the chair of our board there and we decided to put on a big event to raise a lot of money, and I was very much about building community and so forth. And so we created this megathon, and I decided, you know, I want to do something [00:06:00] big there. And the year prior, I had actually participated in a fundraiser for the Sick Kids Hospital, where there were two people running on a treadmill for 12 hours, and I ran beside them for an hour.

And I thought, you know what, I actually, I want to actually see if I can beat that record. So I took on the challenge running 12 hours on a treadmill to beat the world's record, to raise a lot of money for community and building community and at the same time, building a team, a dream, my own dream team, but having hundreds of people participate.

I've published two books along the way in health and fitness for women. Why I'm telling you that is that I was this little girl that grew up without a dad, we didn't have any money, I had started working at nine years of age on the weekends to wash floors and so forth.

I didn't have any feeling of being a superpower or anything within me, it was in my physical fitness that I found something greater within me that helped raise me up. It was something that took me from being just ordinary [00:07:00] to being extraordinary in something. 

And then I got the opportunity to work with Tony Robbins.

And who are these people? Now, you're always thinking about them, because we're all thinking about them. Here's the thing is I would love for you to visit me. I'd love it if you could be my sponsor. I think we have a lot to be thankful for, to be And so I invite you to come to my website and I'll invite you to support me.

And I really appreciate it. So I invite you to come and listen to me talk. I can't wait to talk about my wonderful, beautiful career. I can't wait to talk about what future. A great program for all Say, oh, my god, into my podcast. I was truly feeling blessed and and having books and so forth and again, it was tapping into extraordinary and the people I worked with were amazing, building businesses clinicians, entrepreneurs, people who were just starting out, struggling, trying to figure out how do I go from here to there? what do I need to do? What's in my way? And so. My superpower was to figure out with someone, design that compelling future and figure out what it was [00:08:00] going to take for them to go from their ordinary to finding their extraordinary so that they could actually achieve so much more in their life.

Jeffrey Feldberg: Wow, so much there, Theresa. And firstly, thank you for being so open, so vulnerable. And Deep Wealth Nation, when you go to the show notes, click on the links, and one of the links will be to the books that Theresa was talking about, Power Source for Women. And love your body, embrace your life. And there's so much in there, but I'm curious, Theresa, you had very humble beginnings as you shared, and it sounds like there's a number of pivotal moments.

I mean, after all, not many people can say that they're a Guinness book, a world record at which you are three times. And so you've been doing that as you look really across what you've done and where you've been. Is there. A particular moment that you think really helped define who you are or is it a collection of moments?

Theresa Dugwell: I would say that the collection of experiences growing and having to grow up quickly was one thing that I remember always saying, I'll [00:09:00] have more for my mother, and so I always had this drive within me. However, the defining moments for me to, even do that 12 hours, there was a lot of people that said, that's crazy. you're 40 years old. How can you do something like that? And you're going to hurt yourself. I had a lot of feedback that wasn't positive because on a treadmill for 12 hours, well, there's going to be some wear and tear on your body.

But I'll tell you something, it was my mind that would have the greatest wear and tear because that is, where the physical part, I always say to someone, if you can move your body and you can walk, I can teach you to run a marathon quickly. It's the mind that gets in the way of finishing, and so being on a treadmill for 12 hours, there's a lot of stuff that shows up in your mind.

And not only that, but obstacles that came along the way, which were the power shutting off. and I lose, my distance, my time, getting a blister three hours in and having to cut my shoe [00:10:00] open and run with a blister a windstorm going on, and that was causing the power to go off or you're disqualified and having cameras all over because you learning, the reason they say leadership is what you stare at the sight that you run up against. Think that you need to, you have to qualify and I had Guinness there at one point. But there was a lot of obstacles, just like in our lives, in our business that I could have given up along the way and that first twelve hours was one of the defining moments for me because it It broke through those barriers.

And if I can do that and not allow those things to stop me and keep going and find ways to redefine how to go then that's just one example in my life and other people's lives where usually it's whatever shows up So, there's a lot in our minds that gets in the way, it's called this super villain, my coach incredible Mark Von Muser that whole saying where there's two wolves that are fighting, the, there's the good wolf and the bad wolf, and who wins in the fight?

Well, it's whichever one you feed. And so, I would say the defining moment for me is building a team and doing the 12 [00:11:00] hours and show me that nothing gets in the way except our minds,

Jeffrey Feldberg: Yeah, it's so, so, interesting, Therese, as you're talking about really our minds or our mindset that resilience that we have to have, that inner fortitude, believing in ourselves that we can do it. And you can share with me on base or off base when you're a results coach and business results trainer for the Tony Robbins organization and now in your own coaching practice.

It's not what we bring to the table in terms of the skill sets that we've had or the experiences we've had or haven't had. Some of the most successful people, and when I say successful, it means lots of things to different people. I'm not talking just about the zeros in the bank account. Some of the most successful people that I know really had everything going against them, but it didn't stop them from getting their goals and achieving those results, what was important for them because they had that hunger.

And they had that inner resilience, I'm gonna figure, I don't know a way, but I'm gonna figure out a way. I'm gonna [00:12:00] make this happen. I've had some setbacks, but those are setups for my future success. So where are you on that in terms of the entrepreneurs and the people that you've coached along the way?

Thoughts about that?

Theresa Dugwell: One of the things that I think is very important At least on my journey, what I've learned is that building rapport with people and relationships, I think that's such a key factor in who are you in with other people. How do you show up for other people in your life? How do you, with the relationships you build and so forth, like for me, it's really important, like how I leave someone either on a coaching call, if I'm on a coaching call, It's how are we going to complete this call?

What is that person going away with? I'm building my business just like many entrepreneurs out there. And for me, I have a big vision of what I want to create and the impact that I want to have. If you don't have a plan, or if I don't have a plan, then it's like a GPS, and you know the destination address, but you don't know how to get there, and you decide either to use the GPS or not, and just get some streets that you would [00:13:00] take.

So when you follow a GPS, which is your plan, and you're clear and concise of where you're going, your target, then all the actions, as long as they're leading you towards your target, you'll get there. So I'm always building my plan and refining it.

Jeffrey Feldberg: Yeah, so interesting with that. And so, based on what you're sharing with us, Theresa, just imagine now for a moment, I'm a new client for you, I'm showing up, you've gotten to know my story, but I've come to you, okay, Theresa, I know I can do better. I know that magic within hasn't really been shared with the world.

Help me take that to the world. And for the question I'm going to ask, Theresa, you would be perfectly right to say, well, Jeffrey, it really depends on the individual, where they're at, what they want to do. But generally speaking, What's your secret sauce, as the saying goes, in terms of someone showing up, how long typically would it take to really get them in the right direction that they're starting to see results and what are we doing along the way?

Theresa Dugwell: Yeah, so if they're not clear on what that looks like, then there's a whole discovery of spending time and just understanding their world and where they're [00:14:00] at and what is it that they really want. And sometimes we don't even really know that at the beginning. It's just, Having that conversation and talking about what's important to them, what's what's value, what values do they have, where do they see themselves if they could actually create it, what would it look like?

So there's really a discovery of where someone is at right now, getting clear on that, what's important to them and what's going to guide them, what is going to be the things in their life that are going to move them forward and motivate them to feel that I'm on the right path and what's going to keep them going, even when things show up that are going to get in the way.

So with everyone in these, I always work where are we at right now and getting clarity on where do we want to go? And that may take a bit of time to really understand that because it's discovery about someone's. So, it's about your life, about what you want to create in your world. Who is it for?

What's the impact you want to leave? I always refer to it as a mission, be it a woman or a man I always say, what is the mission? [00:15:00] What's the impact you want to have? Because usually, whatever work we're doing, we can find a way to connect that with a greater purpose behind why we're doing something, and contribution, there's so much more fulfillment in that than just what Building something without having a greater meaning to it. So discovering that and then once you have that, then you can start to design what is the message you want to put out there and who is it that you want to make the impact on. and then start that, plan and getting clear on what that looks like.

So it's a process. And again, like you said earlier, yeah, everyone is unique. However, we all are driven by something that, gives us significance and some meaning. I remember having one individual working with one individual was building his business and we were looking at, well, why is this so important to you?

And one of the reasons why it was so important to him was, well, two, he wanted to actually help make the money to his [00:16:00] nieces with school and be able to help contribute to that. And then another reason was because what I found out was there's these orphanages for parrots because parrots outlive their owners usually.

And if someone doesn't have a backup plan for their parrot, the parrots become orphans. And so, he wanted to contribute to that orphanage for parents, and I thought, wow like, what a I didn't even know that existed, and, this feeling of, if I could give those things attached to what he's doing, why he's going and working hard, were ways to really help him feel inspired and remember why he's doing this.

Jeffrey Feldberg: As we're talking about that, Theresa, I'm just going through some of the collection of my thoughts and I have a question for you because really it sounds as though what you're saying, it's all about the human condition and we may come from different backgrounds, geographically speaking, from different parts of the world, but I'm wondering, some people call it Riedel's Law [00:17:00] or the 80 20 rule.

In your coaching, when you're working with people from all over, are you seeing the same 20 percent of issues, generally speaking, I call them opportunities, some people call them problems or issues, but those 20 percent of opportunity areas that are coming up that are maybe slowing people down or giving them a bit of a hang up, that if they can figure it out, they'll catapult themselves to the next level, and if you are, what would be some of the common themes that you're seeing?

Theresa Dugwell: When we have a vision for something, what I've experienced is that we have these big dreams and so forth and or we want to build something and it looks great, the big picture, and if we go to work at just getting at the big picture rather than stepping back and looking at, okay, what will it take to get there and laying that out because when we just see the big picture, that's when all the overwhelm can show up.

Because we're there's the stories that will show up as to why something might get in the way and so forth. So, we want to reduce the overwhelm [00:18:00] and lay out what would it take to get to what we want to create. And when we have that clarity, not only does that create certainty, because uncertainty is risk, but we all need a little bit of uncertainty sometimes in our lives, it creates some excitement and can be fun.

However, when we've got more certainty, So if we don't have certainty in our plan and know where we're headed and how to get there and what we need, then, and this is what I find very often, is that we're missing the certainty. And so when we have that, then it's much easier to, move forward and access the things that you need you actually create certainty in your space by doing the design work.

,When you're working with 

Jeffrey Feldberg: client, and particularly when it comes to goal setting, I know for a lot of people when they hear goal setting, the eyes glaze over and they just tune out. We hear so much about that. And sadly, so many people have just missed the mark with it, that many have just given up on that.

Theresa Dugwell: What's your approach, Theresa, to [00:19:00] goal setting when you're working with a client to ensure that not only do they aim high, But at the same time, they can also achieve what they're setting out to do. So it's not too low. It's not impossible. It's that Goldilocks scenario, but they're actually doing it. 

I believe that what really helps individuals to achieve things is to be amongst people have that dream team of your own and support system, a community that really stands behind you and not do it alone.

Theresa Dugwell: I think that's really important. And so you, have the structure, you have that community that stands behind you. I truly believe in that. When you belong to something that, where people are working collectively towards something then it's, helps with regards to having those moments where we get off track because it's going to happen.

Life happens and we'll get off track sometimes. But, and having a coach, I think having a coach is a big thing. I know my own, I have a coach even though I am a coach. I have a coach in my fitness. I have a coach in my business world. So, to guide [00:20:00] you and have that accountability structure and keep you moving forward is a big plus. 

Jeffrey Feldberg: And one of the things that you've mentioned a number of times, but again, it's so easy to overlook in Deep Wealth Nation, I don't know if you picked up on it or not, Theresa, you talked about health. And I know for so many type A, hard charging individuals, I'm too busy for my health. I will get to my health.

When I achieve this, or when that happens, that's when I'll do it. It's an if then kind of thinking, and we both know, hey, if the health isn't there, and the health is our first wealth, everything else really falls by the wayside. So from your own observations, from working with clients, can you share with Deep Wealth Nation why health is so important, and maybe even a strategy or two, coming out of this episode that someone can start to apply to their health right away, that they'll start seeing some of the differences?

Theresa Dugwell: Yeah, absolutely. With regards to health, it is important to me and I know the difference how I feel if I don't, take care of [00:21:00] myself and eat healthy or, run or weight training I've also experienced, with my mom, I took care of my mom through COVID and as a result of her diabetes, she developed dementia. Growing up that wasn't an important thing to her.

She didn't exercise so I saw this woman that's still so young. She said, I'm not going to be like you. I don't want to do those things you do, and I thought, but mom, you know, you don't have to, we can help you with the diabetes. 

I think it's really important for people to understand that, you know, a lot of people are there because they didn't take care of themselves earlier, and it wasn't an important value to them, and I see my mom a lot. I spend time with her, and I see her declining, but she does not want to make that a priority for her.

I have a friend who is, 85 now, and he still teaches spinning classes.

My running partner is 80 something years old, he runs faster than me, and I have to catch up to him, and that's because these people have made [00:22:00] health a priority of their lives. And so, why not have your health Until the end. And what my recommendation is, for anyone, is that if you're not doing something right now, and you need help, well, find someone to do it with, find someone else who wants to, be partnered up with you to, who also might be challenged with, with getting going with their own health, and set some goals.

Why not set something up for yourself and make this your best year? Find someone to do it with because when you have a partner, then you can work off each other and set a clear, concise goal, but make them short term 

Jeffrey Feldberg: Great advice there, and Deep Wealth nation, some of the takeaways here should be that health really must be your priority.

And Theresa, it's interesting, we've had doctors on the show, biohackers on the show, scientists on the show, and they all really say the same thing. It's a bit of an older study, so it's probably worse.

But when you're looking at North America, 88 percent, so let's just call it nine out of ten people. Either have a metabolic disease right [00:23:00] now, or one is just around the corner, and I suspect since that study's been done, it's gotten even worse. And so movement and sleep, the basic things, taking a walk after a meal, and we've seen it firsthand when the entrepreneurs, founders, business owners who go through the 90 day Deep Wealth Mastery program, and then they're preparing for their liquidity event.

So their legacy is on the line. The financial freedom is on the line. You've got to have that clarity, that mental energy, that focus. You have to make the right decisions. It can't be well, I'm not feeling so well, so let's just Go with this. I'm too tired. I can't think about it. You can't do that. Well, you could do it, but you don't want to do that.

And health is absolutely so critical. And so with all that said, what's your advice and some of your insights, everyone, if they're open and honest about it, if they're vulnerable with themselves. They have some fears. The fear monster, self doubt, not good enough, how am I going to get to the success, not smart enough, I don't have the skills, I don't have the experience, what would be [00:24:00] some practical strategies that someone can really apply for themselves to get over that fear or self doubt.

Theresa Dugwell: Find a coach or a mentor, someone who has done it that you're close to that could help you, that if whatever it is that you're challenged, if it's, if it is your health and you want to keep going, find someone that can guide you, that can create a plan with you, I believe we need each other. When there are challenges, find that person in your life that you can connect with get some support from or Find that coach that you can get some support from so that you can actually create that plan. And those things that are getting in the way in your mind, yes, you can take them on yourself.

And there's lots of great books and trainings out there but I also believe having someone that can be your mentor or your coach or someone close to you. That can help guide you and be your cheerleader, to get you going.

Jeffrey Feldberg: Hearing to have a coach, have your own cheering section, have some accountability partners to help [00:25:00] pick you up when things perhaps down and out, or I don't know if I can do this. 

And that brings up another question, and you mentioned this earlier, because oftentimes friends, even our closest family members, our loved ones, they mean well When we're ambitious, though, and we have these goals, it can make people feel uncomfortable.

Or they are afraid, oh my goodness, Jeffrey is going to try this and he may not get it and it's going to really bring him down, I don't want to see him like that. And they're well intentioned, but they're really not, in the advice that they share. So in finding that accountability partner, finding someone who can really support us, not be judgmental, and actually encourage us, not discourage us.

Any telltale signs of what we should either look for, to run towards, or run away from when we're looking to find people to really put them in a trusted position in their lives? 

Theresa Dugwell: When I was training for that first 12 hours on the treadmill, I had a lot of naysayers there, people who, who just were trying to protect me too. They didn't want to see me harm myself, thinking I was at some level, some thought I was crazy. 

We can listen to what they [00:26:00] have to say and. Thank them for their input but whatever that journey is that you're on that's for your health or business, whatever it is you're moving towards, then look for someone on the outside that can support you.

Jeffrey Feldberg: When it comes to the journey, Theresa, I'm curious, because you've been involved with what some people would call self development or personal development, and unfortunately In a lot of circles, it has a bad name or misconceptions that are there. That said, though, and for myself, those areas have been huge and helped me get to some of the biggest milestones and goals and achievements for myself.

From where you are right now, and as you look ahead, technologies are always changing. The trends are changing. The human condition generally doesn't, though. What do you see ahead for us in terms of those areas of personal development in the next three years, five years? What science may bring or other kinds of things?

Maybe we'll rediscover what was, what's being done that's no longer being done, that we're going to pick up again. Any thoughts on [00:27:00] that, of any upcoming insights of what's waiting for us, what's down the road?

Theresa Dugwell: Well, definitely we're learning more about us as human beings and what we're capable of it and all the AI. wonderful things that are being developed there. I just think that we're learning more about how we have the capacity to, if we're relating it to health, I think we're learning more about how much power we actually do have within ourselves to, to change things and don't always have to go one route but rather look at what can we do as individuals to support.

I think that's becoming more and more, documented as being, there are ways to build yourself there's a lot of new evidence out there like skeletal muscle. I've learned more about skeletal muscle in the last few years than Ever because of the wonderful studies that are out there, and then in business, we're learning all these new tools, things that we can use to maximize [00:28:00] our output and minimize how much time, even though it feels like sometimes we're spending so much more time, I think that if we learn how to maximize what's available as more becomes available, then we can actually start to give ourselves more time to do the things that build us back up and, I just think There's so much out there that is ahead of us.

And it's how we want to see what's out there. And I think it's going to be, it's great as each day is, bringing something

Jeffrey Feldberg: Love that optimism that you have for the future. Let me ask you something. Knowing what you know today, Theresa, from your journey and it's been quite the journey and You've done so much and a huge congratulations with that. If you were starting over today, you had no accomplishments, you weren't recognized.

It was a clean slate. Nothing's been done. But knowing what you know, what would be some of the first steps that you would begin to do or some of the early strategies that you would leverage to begin to get yourself to where you want to [00:29:00] get to?

Theresa Dugwell: I would surround myself with people that, are motivated to make a difference in this world that are Um, not just high achievers as we define high achievers, but rather people that are up to big things that want to make a difference and learn from them and follow what they're doing.

I think that it's, We can always learn from someone else and others that are ahead of us doing something that we aspire to. And, uh, or you never know who they're connected to. so it would be the people I surround myself with would be an important factor.

Jeffrey Feldberg: And

Deep Wealth Nation, were you listening to that? Because that isn't gold, that's platinum. I absolutely love that, Theresa. AndAnd I believe it was Jim Rohn who said we are the average of the five people that we spend the most amount of time with. And so Deep Wealth Nation, who are you spending your time with? Are they bringing you down?

Are they down the path a little further than you, that you can aspire to be just where they are and they're supportive? Or is it [00:30:00] really taking you in all different directions? You're unfocused, it's negative, and such terrific advice there. And Theresa, before we go into wrap up mode, I know there's so many questions I didn't have a chance to ask.

So, Is there one question in particular that comes to mind that I didn't ask or a topic we haven't covered or even a message that you'd like to get out to the Deep Wealth Nation?

Theresa Dugwell: Wherever you are your life right now, be it in your business or in your health one thing I would do is do an evaluation of where you are right now. The Wheel of Life, for instance, is a really great tool. You can just Google Wheel of Life and there's all kinds of them.

And do an assessment of where am I today in these areas of my life Look at, okay, well, I'm at this point here, where do I want to make improvements in my life and map out a plan, what would that look like? 

Aim each day just to, just incremental improvement along the way and suddenly you're at that nine or ten. 

That's where you go from the ordinary, if you're just living your life and we get caught up in, in just busyness and forget about pieces of that wheel [00:31:00] if you just get present to it and little tweaks can make huge improvements and have a ripple effect in all aspects of your life.

Jeffrey Feldberg: I just love the meaningful insights and not to confuse simple with simplicity, but it's really a step at a time and we're not putting all that pressure on ourselves and really taking it day over day. It's some terrific advice. And speaking of advice, Theresa, This is the part where we're going into our wrap up mode, and it's a tradition here on the Deep Wealth Podcast.

I have the privilege, I have the honor to ask every guest the same question, and it's a really fun question. Let me set this up for you. When you think of the movie Back to the Future, You have that magical DeLorean car that will take you to any point in time. So imagine now, it's tomorrow morning, and here's the fun part.

You look outside your window, not only do you see the DeLorean car curbside, the door is open, it's waiting for you to hop on in, which you do, and you're now going to go to any point in your life. Theresa, as a young child, a teenager, whatever point in time it would be, Why are you telling your younger self in terms of life lessons or life wisdom or, hey, Theresa, do this, [00:32:00] but don't do that?

What would it sound like? 

Theresa Dugwell: Well, there's a moment that I'll never forget. There was a lead role for a song called Amazing Grace when I was in grade, I think I was twelve the girl ahead of me sang Amazing Grace and it was like, oh my gosh, it was so incredible.

I thought there's no way I can do that well so I never auditioned. So that song always, it's anchored into me. It's anchored when I hear that song. It's like, oh, that's that moment. And so that was the moment that was a defining moment for me when I think back on it today.

Of course, not then. I was in fear. I was just afraid afraid of, I wasn't going to be good enough. I wasn't going to be good enough. So why bother trying? Because I'm not going to make it anyhow. And I gave up. When we question if we're not good enough and we walk away and then we just give up then if we don't go back, chances are that door will close.

Jeffrey Feldberg: Such a heartbreaking story. I'm right there with you. 

It's [00:33:00] amazing, we, back in the day, we make these decisions, we don't realize the impact, could be positive, may not be positive, but we don't really realize it at the time, and then we look back like, oh why didn't I do that sooner, or why did I do that at all, but I love your approach of how you really use that as your rocket fuel.

Okay, I did that once. I'm not going to hold it against myself. I forgive myself. And from what you're doing then to what you're doing now, it's really night and day. There is no comparison. It sounds like you really leveraged that and you really put that out there for your advantage. And Theresa, before we officially wrap things up, if someone in the Deep Wealth Nation, they have a question for you, they want to become a client, they want to learn more, they want to have a conversation with you.

Where's the best place online for someone to find you?

Theresa Dugwell: Well, I will provide you with my calendar link if anyone wants to have, A complimentary conversation with me and just talk about where you're at and what you want to work towards. Feel free to schedule a time with me and I'd love to. 

Jeffrey Feldberg: Take Theresa up on her a very kind and generous offer. After all, it's [00:34:00] not every day you speak with a three time Guinness World Record holder. Twelve hours on a treadmill, my goodness. Some of us can't even do twelve minutes, you're doing twelve hours, that's absolutely amazing. Well, Theresa, it's official, this is a wrap, and congratulations, a huge congratulations, and as we love to say here on the Deep Wealth Podcast, may you continue to thrive and prosper while you remain healthy and safe.

Thank you so much.

So there you have it, Deep Wealth Nation. What did you think? 

So with all that said and as we wrap it up, I have another question for you.

Actually, it's more of a personal favor. 

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So all that said. Thank you so much for listening. And remember your wealth isn't just about the money in the bank. It's about the depth of your journey and the impact that you're creating. So let's continue this journey together. And from the bottom of my heart, thank you so much for listening to this episode.

And as we love to say here at Deep Wealth, may you continue to thrive and prosper while you remain healthy and safe. 

Thank you so much. 

God bless.

Theresa Dugwell Profile Photo

Theresa Dugwell

Author/World record Holder/Results Coach

Theresa Dugwell is a Renaissance Woman with brilliant accomplishments in multiple fields.

She is a passionate runner who has run 23 marathons.

She is a three-time Guinness World Record Holder for the greatest distance run over 12 hours on a treadmill. She has helped numerous functional medicine and dental clinic owners scale their practices by 6 to 7 figures. She has done over 12,000 hours of coaching as a Results Coach and Business Results Trainer for Tony Robbins.

She has helped raise millions of dollars as the YMCA's Volunteer of the Year and created an event for the Special Olympics Basketball team to play a game on the Toronto Raptors' home court and meet two of the NBA team's players.